Robot Apocalypses - April 1st

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The day was gloomy and bleak, with dark clouds looming overhead and the wind blowing restlessly, causing the trees to sway dangerously. The streets were filled with people carrying umbrellas and raincoats, bracing themselves for the heavy downpour that was about to come.

In the midst of the brewing chaos, a man stood in the alleyway next to the coffee shop. He was dressed impeccably in a black long-sleeved turtleneck that hugged his lean frame, paired with black pants and a silver Rolex watch that glinted in the dull light. A long brown trench coat, adorned with black buttons, covered his torso, while a black bucket hat sat atop his head, shielding his face from the rain. He carried a black leather satchel in his hand, which seemed to be overflowing with papers and documents.

The town was known for its gloominess and sinister nature, so nobody would have given him a second glance if not for the fact that he walked in the rain, seemingly unfazed by the impending downpour. He stood there, staring into the distance, lost in his own thoughts, as the raindrops fell steadily around him.

As he walked down the street, he could feel the weight of the curious glances from the minority. They were looking at him as if he were an outsider, an alien in his own land. But he didn't let their looks bother him. He knew that most people were too busy with their own lives to notice anything different. That's what life has become in the last decade. People were so preoccupied with their problems that even children didn't have time to have fun. They were all caught in a never-ending cycle of sleeping, eating, working, and sleeping again. There wasn't much to do with robots and machinery taking over most of the work. It was as if humanity had given up on its own creativity and had handed over the reins to the machines. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and loss for the world that he knew had existed before the machines took over. A world where people had time for each other, where they could enjoy the simple pleasures of life. But now, everything was automated, and the human touch was slowly fading away.

The man had been lost in thought, almost oblivious to his surroundings, when he suddenly realized that he had absentmindedly stepped onto the street without paying attention to the traffic. As soon as he realized his mistake, he quickly stepped back onto the sidewalk. But it was too late. A robotic voice interrupted his thoughts, startling him. It was a robotic law enforcement officer, and it had already issued him a fine for jaywalking.

The man shook his head in frustration as the robotic officer announced the penalty. He was now required to work an additional three hours this week for his mistake. The robotic officer updated his database for Mr Parker and then abruptly flew away. The man couldn't help but curse himself for his carelessness as he continued on his way.

Later on, when he checked his phone, he received a notification that his work schedule had been updated to include an extra three hours of work to make up for the fine he had received. He felt his eyes roll involuntarily as he read the notification.

It was already a long day for him, working 11 hours straight, and now he had to work an additional three hours. It was a harsh reminder of how much he needed to pay attention to his surroundings, especially with robotic law enforcement officers patrolling the streets.

As he arrived at his workplace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of the towering buildings that surrounded him. He was in the capital of AI Net, a place that had introduced the first generation of robots to every industry, completely revolutionizing the way people worked. While it had undoubtedly brought about many benefits, it had also resulted in countless people losing their jobs.

However, the company behind this technological advancement, AI Net, quickly realized that this could also be another way of generating income. They had donated a few robots to help homeless and jobless people participate in a charity program for others. Once they had gotten everyone off the streets, they had made them qualified to work in some of the big factories. However, those who could not qualify, no matter what, were never to be seen again.

Short Stories I wrote for fun |April|Where stories live. Discover now