A Roses Thorns [Rewrite] - April 7th

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As the dust settled after the final battle, the wizarding world was split into two groups - those who were overjoyed and relieved, and those who were devastated and in hiding. The former group celebrated with drinks among their living friends, while the latter, often referred to as the 'dark side', fled for safety with their families. The reason behind this divide was simple - the wizarding war that had been raging for 11 long years was finally over. The Dark Lord had fallen, and to everyone's surprise, it was a mere baby who had delivered the final blow. The 'dark side' could not believe it - how could a baby, a mere 15 months old, have defeated the most powerful wizard of all time? This was the question on everyone's lips - how had a baby managed to vanquish the Dark Lord?
After the conclusion of the war 10 years ago, the wizarding world has enjoyed a peaceful existence. The reign of terror caused by the death eaters is long gone, and there have been no more kidnappings or dark magic incidents. However, the memories of the criminals who perished in the war or were sent to Azkaban remain fresh in the minds of the more deeply-rooted pure-bloods who were associated with the "darker side." These individuals have not forgotten the souls that perished, the prisoners who were driven to madness, or the innocent people who were wrongfully accused and imprisoned. They hold a deep grudge against those who put them behind bars, even if it means jeopardizing their own lives. They are determined to avenge their fallen comrades, no matter what the cost.
On a brighter note, with the war finally coming to an end, parents no longer have to live in fear of raising their children in a war-torn environment. While some individuals still tend to look over their shoulders out of habit, they can now raise their children freely. Our journey begins with a visit to the Ancestral Rosier Manor in France, a magical landmark that exudes elegance and grandeur.
The Rosier family, originating from France, was once a close-knit family of three brothers. However, the family split into two after the eldest of the three brothers made the difficult decision to leave their abusive household and pursue a better life elsewhere. This decision shattered a promise that was held very sacred to the two younger brothers - the promise to always stay together no matter where life takes them or what challenges they may face. The decision to leave not only impacted the brothers' relationship with each other but also left a lasting impact on the family as a whole.
Christian, the eldest among his brothers, left his home country as soon as he completed his school education. After settling down in America, he got married at the young age of 20 and started a family. This marked the beginning of a new family branch in America. However, after he left, the once strong bond between him and his brothers was broken. It remains unclear whether Christian intended it to be that way or not. Due to this lack of communication, he remained unaware of his youngest brother's passing over a decade ago. In Christian's mind, his brothers were still leading happy married lives and were in good health. If only he had known...
Darius was the second oldest among his brothers, and he was also the weakest of them. Despite being impressive in controlling his emotions and hiding them, he had a vulnerable side that he struggled to overcome. In a moment of desperation, he decided to ignore his reputation to keep something good in his life, which led him to marry Clara Yaxley.
Clara was a beautiful girl who seemed kind and genuine at first, which made Darius trust her. However, he soon realized that she was manipulative and only interested in his money, fame, and social status. Darius tried to back out of the marriage when he realized the true nature of his wife, but he was trapped by a marriage contract that bound them together, and a pregnancy spell document that came up positive.
Despite his resentment towards Clara, Darius couldn't help but love his daughter when she was born. He became a devoted father, despite the actions of the mother. It was a difficult situation for Darius, but he did everything he could to protect and care for his child, even if it meant enduring the toxic marriage to Clara.
While engrossed in work at his office, he was suddenly seized by a searing pain in his chest, emanating from the very location of his heart. The intense discomfort was immediate, and he knew that something was amiss. The intense situation had been unfolding for a quarter of an hour, with each passing minute ratcheting up the tension even further. Just as things seemed to be reaching a boiling point, everything suddenly ground to a halt, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Despite the whirlwind of confusion in his mind, he made a valiant attempt to contemplate the root cause of his distress. As he delved deeper into his thoughts, he realized that the only conceivable explanation for his current predicament was the severance of the unbreakable bond that all twins. Darius had a feeling of apprehension as he pondered the possibility that something unpleasant might occur. He fervently wished that this was not happening due to the particular thoughts that were running through his mind at the moment.
In a state of urgency, he quickly made his way to his office at the ministry, making use of the floo network to reach there faster. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Evan, his best friend, and suspected lover, who was due to finish a trial of Bellatrix and Rodolphus in courtroom 10. He couldn't afford to miss the trial, and so he rushed toward the courtroom, his heart pounding with fear.
As he approached the courtroom, he heard screams and commotion coming from inside. The door to the courtroom suddenly swung open, revealing a chaotic scene. Barty Crouch Jr. was captured and dragged away by the Aurors, while he was muttering and shouting incoherently. The sight sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and worry for Evan, wondering if he was alright, 'he's dead' 'I'm not your son' and 'I'll kill ya'
The world came crashing down on Darius. He lost another brother. His twin...
Later that day, back at the manor, if not for the silencing charm, you could've heard the devastated crying, screaming, shouting, and throwing and breaking of objects. Darius could not just handle the loss of his only family, apart from his daughter. He would forever refuse to call Clara his wife.

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