Medieval Mobians - April 9th

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The sun was shining brightly on the first week of spring, casting a beautiful light on the scene of a cosy bedroom. The room had dark grey walls, and a king bed with a black base that stood empty in the middle of the room. On the left side of the bed, light crimson-coloured curtains covered a glass sliding door that led to a balcony, while on the right side was a Cinnamon brown door that opened to a large closet. Inside the closet, there was another door that led to the bathroom, which had modern fixtures and a sleek design.

To the left of the first room was another bedroom, which was almost identical to the first one. It had a king bed with a blue base, royal blue walls, and Admiral curtains. The room was spacious and comfortable, inviting you to rest and relax.

To the right of the first room was yet another bedroom, which had grey but white walls, a king bed with a shining silver base, and sky-blue curtains. This room was just as comfortable as the others, and it had all the amenities you would expect from a luxury hotel room.

As you stepped out of the room, you could hear the clashing of swords echoing through the halls of the top floor of the castle. Following the sound, you would find a large room with bright white walls and wooden floorboards at the end of the hall. Inside the room, you would see two male hedgehogs fighting fiercely with swords. One of them had Azure quills and emerald eyes and was known as Sonic, while the other was a Black hedgehog with red streaks along his quills, arms, legs, and at the corners of his eyes. He had blood-red eyes and a white tuft of fur on his chest, and he was known as Shadow. The third hedgehog in the room was a silver-coloured hedgehog with two long drop-down quills, known as Silver. He looked on in both excitement and fear as he watched the two combatants battle it out. The scene was intense, and it was clear that these three hedgehogs were no ordinary creatures.

The sound of clashing swords echoed through the halls as two hedgehogs engaged in a fierce battle. Their arrogance and competitive nature fueled their fight, as they clashed swords repeatedly. Despite their passion for the fight, the sword was eventually thrown away, and the hedgehogs resorted to a physical altercation. They fought like 10-year-olds over the last piece of cake, with no sign of stopping. However, their battle was interrupted by a familiar voice that reverberated through the halls. All three hedgehogs immediately recognized the voice and stopped. They scrambled to hide everything, but not before locking eyes with Mephiles the Dark, the king of the kingdom. His face was filled with anger as he entered the room. The hedgehogs knew he was their father and the king of the kingdom.

Mephiles rebuked the boys for their behaviour and reminded them that they were supposed to be in the throne room half an hour ago. He informed them that the Rose family would be arriving this afternoon and demanded they prepare everything for their arrival. The hedgehogs mumbled an "okay" as their father left.

---Shadow's POV---

I ventured out to the village to gather some fresh flowers at the request of my father, who wanted to adorn the interior of our castle with them. En route, while lost in my thoughts, a commotion caught my attention. My gaze shifted to a woman who was sprinting towards me in a black cape with a bright pink outline. There was a golden piece near her chest that held her cape together. Her entire body was concealed, and the hood was up, covering most of her face. She kept glancing over her shoulder as if running away from something. As I looked back, I noticed another woman chasing the first one. The second woman had an identical outfit but with a lavender-purple outline on her cape and a golden piece near her chest. The two ladies were running straight at me, and I tried to avoid them, but it was too late. We collided, and all three of us fell to the ground.

The two women quickly got up and straightened their gowns, which were hidden under their capes. They apologized simultaneously, looking down at the ground. I assured them that it was all right, and then we parted ways. As they walked away, I realized that I had missed the chance to ask for their names. I was upset with myself for not being quick enough to inquire, as I hardly ever left the castle, and the villagers didn't know me that well.

I proceeded to the flower shop purchased nine bouquets, and then returned to the castle to decorate it with the blooms. As I finished, I noticed that it was already noon, which meant that the Rose family, our guests, would be arriving soon. I hurried to my room to get ready and saw that the rooms opposite mine and my brothers were being prepared as well. However, I didn't pay much attention to it and instead headed down to the throne room where my father had asked us to meet at noon.

---Normal POV---

As the afternoon sun reached its peak, Mephiles, the trusted butler of the castle, looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was time to welcome the young guests. He called out to one of the servants to fetch the boys from their chambers and bring them down to the front gate. The three boys, who were eagerly waiting for this moment, rushed down the stairs and made their way to the main entrance, their hearts beating with excitement.

As they stepped outside, they saw a grand carriage being pulled by pure white horses and a golden-coloured leach. The carriage was adorned with intricate patterns and designs, giving it a royal look. The boys' eyes widened as they saw the carriage coming towards them, and their hearts were filled with wonder and awe.

As the carriage stopped in front of them, a male and female hedgehog stepped out of it. The male hedgehog was tall and muscular, with a thick moustache and a stern look on his face. He wore a black suit that was neatly pressed and ironed, and he carried himself with an air of authority. The female hedgehog, on the other hand, was graceful and elegant, with a slender figure and a warm smile. She wore a beautiful gown that shimmered in the sunlight, and her blue eyes sparkled with kindness.

The three boys looked at the hedgehog couple with admiration and respect, realizing that they were the Rose family, the most powerful and influential family in the kingdom. They bowed their heads and greeted the Rose family, feeling honoured to be in their presence.

As the carriage rolled into the castle courtyard, Shadow couldn't help but notice the two hedgehogs that stepped out. They were dressed in regal attire and he could only assume they were the King and Queen of the Rose Kingdom, King Thorn and Queen Alena. He remembered them from their last visit to the castle, 17 years ago, but what he didn't remember was that they had three daughters.

As the King and Queen stepped out of the carriage, three black-capped figures followed suit. The capes were long and flowing, and completely covered the dresses underneath. Their sleeves were tight-fitting and the hoods were pulled up, obscuring their faces. They wore a gold piece, shaped like three objects, on the chest of their capes to keep them closed.

The first girl to step out of the carriage was wearing a cape with a violet outline. Shadow couldn't help but notice the emerald-shaped gold piece that looked strikingly similar to the Master Emerald that was being protected in The Angel Kingdom, where all echidnas lived. He gasped in shock and awe as the other two girls emerged from the carriage. It was then that he realized that the King and Queen had two more daughters, and they were the same girls he had run into while fetching flowers from the village.

The two girls hadn't changed a bit. They still wore their capes, with the second girl wearing a gold piece that looked like a rose on her bubble gum pink outlined cape. The third girl was wearing a lavender-outlined cape with a gold piece that looked like a flame, much like the crest of The City of Flames, where rare types of felines with power resided.

Shadow couldn't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, he wanted to talk to them and get to know them better. After all, they had been polite and even apologized when they ran into him in the village. On the other hand, he was wary of getting too close to them, as he assumed they were like all the other princesses - spoiled and entitled. He argued with himself, trying to make sense of his conflicting emotions, as he awaited his father's orders to take the new arrivals to their rooms.

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