A Roses Thorns - April 6th

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As the dust settled after the final battle, the wizarding world was split into two groups - those who were overjoyed and relieved, and those who were devastated and in hiding. The former group celebrated with drinks among their living friends, while the latter, often referred to as the 'dark side', fled for safety with their families. The reason behind this divide was simple - the wizarding war that had been raging for 11 long years was finally over. The Dark Lord had fallen, and to everyone's surprise, it was a mere baby who had delivered the final blow. The 'dark side' could not believe it - how could a baby, a mere 15 months old, have defeated the most powerful wizard of all time? This was the question on everyone's lips - how had a baby managed to vanquish the Dark Lord?

As we move towards the Wiltshire area in London, we come across a mysterious manor, shrouded in darkness. The imposing structure cast an eerie shadow over the surrounding landscape. Inside the manor, a large gathering of people had assembled in the grand ballroom, which was the only space large enough to accommodate such a sizable crowd. However, the atmosphere was far from celebratory, as the people were shouting in anger and fear. Their screams had been echoing through the halls for over an hour, and it seemed like the silencing charm was barely holding up. The commotion had become so intense that the children in the other room were on the verge of breaking down. Amidst all this chaos, Lucius was trying his best to calm the agitated crowd and persuade them to leave before the ministry intervened. It was a race against time, and the stakes were high. The slightest mistake could lead to the capture of everyone present in the manor.

Darius Rosier, the head of the House of Rosier, was seen pacing back and forth outside his castle, located near the riverbank that flows into the black lake in Hogwarts. It is with great sadness that we inform you that his younger brother, Evan Rosier, was killed by Allister Moody in Hogsmeade. Evan was only 20 years old, leaving behind a 2-year-old son who is now an orphan. Darius is struggling to manage his own family with his wife who won't help, another brother who won't communicate with them, and the recent war that has just ended. He is uncertain if his brother even knows about Evan's passing.

On the other side of the rosier manor, Lady Rosier, Clara Rosier nee Yaxley, was very happy. Finally, the youngest of the Rosier brothers is dead, leaving me to only deal with the child and one more brother, but they aren't very important right now. In my child's later years, I will kill Darius' brother and the child of Evan and marry my child to the son of Lucius. It will be the perfect plan and nothing can stop me from ending the bloodline. Nothing.

On that fateful day, when the wizarding world witnessed the final battle between the forces of good and evil, many lives were forever changed. The light side, which had long suffered under the tyranny of Lord Voldemort, felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Their bravery and sacrifice in the fight against the dark forces had finally brought peace to the wizarding world.

On the other hand, the dark side was a complex mix of emotions. Some Death Eaters were relieved that the once powerful and competent Voldemort had been defeated and that they could finally live without fear of his wrath. Others were beyond miserable, as they had lost their loved ones, who had either been sent to Azkaban or killed in the battle. The aftermath of the war brought with it a sense of emptiness and desolation, as they struggled to come to terms with the loss and destruction caused by the dark lord's reign.

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