A Vampire's Tale - April 8th

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a lonely and mysterious creature known as Drake. He was Dracula, the last surviving member of his family after the GREAT VAMPIRE EXTICTION phase of humans. Drake spent his days roaming the land, searching for a companion to share his life with. However, he believed that he was the only one of his kind left in the world.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the Earth, in a remote and desolate land, there lived a Draculin named Clara. She was also a lonely creature who longed for the company of another of her kind. Clara believed that she was the only one left in the world after the extinction of the Vampire population. She spent her days wandering the land, searching for a companion to share her life with.

Unbeknownst to them, fate had a surprise in store for Drake and Clara. Little did they know that their paths would cross one day, and they would finally find the companionship they had been longing for. Clara had lost her family to the humans in the GREAT VAMPIRE EXTINCTION phase, left with no one at the age of 20. She was now 116 years old, hopelessly searching for a mate.

As fate would have it, they happened to have visited the same town and eventually locked eyes and it was like a bolt of lightning struck them both simultaneously. The attraction was instant, and they felt like they were meant for each other.

Both Drake and Clara introduced themselves, but they didn't reveal what they were searching for, nor did they disclose their true identities to one another. They acted like normal people, trying to learn more about each other.

After a few days of meeting up secretly, Clara noticed that she only saw Drake at night. She began to entertain the idea that Drake might be a vampire, but she quickly dismissed the notion, thinking that she was just being paranoid and desperate.

As time went by, they both realized that they only wanted to see each other at night-time. They started to spend more time together, and their feelings for each other grew stronger with each passing day. Despite the mystery that surrounded their relationship, they were happy to have found each other and were content with living in the moment.

Clara had been keeping a secret from Drake for the past two months, and it had become too much for her to bear. She couldn't keep it to herself any longer. So, a week later, she asked Drake to meet her in a secluded alley where no one went. Drake arrived, looking puzzled and curious. Clara took a deep breath and said, "Drake, I need to tell you something that I've been keeping hidden for a while now. I know you might leave me after hearing this, but I think you deserve to know."

Drake's expression was a mixture of confusion and concern as he waited for Clara to continue. She hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out, "I'm a Draculin." Drake was stunned and couldn't believe what he had just heard. "What?" he exclaimed.

Drake asked Culin to prove her claim, and she obliged by turning into a vampire right in front of him. To Clara's amazement, he too transformed into a vampire a few seconds later. The two could hardly believe their eyes, and they looked at each other in awe.

Culin leaned in closer to Drake, standing just inches away from his lips. The next moment, she kissed him. Drake was over the moon, and he took Culin to his castle, where she was amazed by its grandeur and beauty. Drake asked Culin if she and her family would like to stay with him, but she replied sadly, "I don't have a family. All of them were killed in the GREAT EXTINCTION, and now I have no one."

Drake felt sorry for her and quickly changed the topic. Just then, one of his butlers entered the room and informed him that Mandira, the sorcerer, was ready. Culin asked Drake who Mandira was, and he explained that she was his sorcerer and that he originally wanted her to turn Culin into a vampire.

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