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Game day has come.
Trent ran onto the field with all his teammates. A quick greeting with the other team and the anthems of both teams signaled the start of the game. The stands were burning with excitement. Trent was running on the green grass as he tried to play the best game possible. However, his eyes were flying around the stands. In the echo of the fans, he was looking for a familiar face. In the crowd of fans it was very difficult to find the special person you were looking for, so he couldn't see her face. But that didn't bother him one bit, he continued to play his game. When Trent is on the field, nothing can distract him from the game. He is mentally much more mature than his years. He has a firm and cool head on the field, and in this day and age it is difficult to find a player who will not crack under pressure. Giving 130% of himself was no stranger to Trent Alexander-Arnold. For his beloved Liverpool, he would jump on his head in front of the opponent's boot if necessary. Such was the situation with the national team. Nothing could distract him, not even the fact that he couldn't see Gabriela in the stands, he knew she was there. To support him somewhere from the stands. That's why he didn't think about not being able to see her, he just wanted her to see him in the best light. That's why he played this match as if it was his last. That's how Trent plays every game, putting his heart into every move he makes.

Ending the first half in a goalless tie did not sit well with Trent.

As the halftime whistle blew, Trent and Jude made their way back to the locker room with the rest of their team. Disappointment hung heavy in the air as they had failed to score any goals in the first half, despite their efforts on the field.

Entering the locker room, Trent slumped onto a bench, frustration evident on his face. Jude, his friend, walked over to him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Trent sighed heavily. "I can't believe we couldn't put one in the net. We had so many chances."

Jude nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting the shared frustration. "I know, mate. It's frustrating, but we can't dwell on what's done. We need to focus on the second half."

Trent ran a hand through his sweat-soaked hair, trying to shake off the disappointment. "But what if we can't break through their defense? What if we end up losing?"

Jude's gaze hardened with determination. "We're not going to lose. We've trained too hard for this moment. We know their weaknesses; we just need to exploit them."

Trent looked up, meeting Jude's unwavering stare. "You're right. We can do this. We just need to stay focused and play our game."

Jude clapped him on the back. "That's the spirit, Trent. Let's rally the team and come out strong in the second half. We've got this."

With newfound determination, Trent and Jude gathered the team together, delivering a motivational speech that reignited their fighting spirit. As they exited the locker room for the second half, their minds were set on one thing: victory. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but with teamwork and perseverance, they believed they could turn the game around and emerge triumphant.

Being so close to winning but so far away is the hardest part of any player's game. Many things could have happened at this moment. England could have scored a goal and beaten Brazil, but the situation could have been reversed. The players still had fifteen minutes left

This match seemed like a lost cause, as if it would end scoreless, with a score of 0:0. But none of the teams wanted such an ending.

England won a free kick five minutes before the end. Jude and Trent gathered around the ball.
"I think a goal can be scored from here."; Trent whispered to Jude.
"Are you sure mate, it's quite far."; Jude responded by moving away from the ball. Jude had complete confidence in Trent, if anyone could put that ball into the net it was Trent. Not many players would have shot directly at goal from that distance, but it might have been England's last chance.

The stands were on their feet, the fans were holding their heads, and Trent Alexander-Arnold fired the ball straight towards the goal. Everyone followed the ball that flew straight into the goal net. The England players started running towards Trent who was celebrating his goal. Jude jumped on Trent's back hugging him and congratulating him. He was so proud of his friend.

The win against Brazil was a big deal. Celebrating with the fans and going back to the dressing room was the best feeling.

Leaving the stadium, Trent called Gabriela.
"The biggest congratulations, I didn't even suspect that you would be the best there on the field."; Gabriela congratulated Trent via video call.
"Ok, I'll take it personally."; Jude said appearing behind Trent.
"Oh Jude, you're there too. You were pretty good too."; Gabriela said greeting Jude.
"Are you already on your way home?"; Trent asked.
"Yes, but now I'm at the gas station, filling up."; Gabriela answered.
"I thought maybe we should go out to dinner tonight, to celebrate the victory. If you're up for it?"; Trent invited Gabriela to dinner and Jude went ahead of him and started celebrating. He celebrated as if he had just scored the winning goal at the World Cup. He was jumping in the air, and his smile was from ear to ear. He was so proud of his friend, he thought that this was finally the moment when Trent would express his love for Gabriela.

"I would love to. So you, me, Jude and Antonella tonight?"; Gabriela asked. Jude grabbed his head and stopped celebrating. He waved his hands and signaled to his friend to refuse. The chance of Trent telling Gabriela how he felt would be gone that way.
"That's right, see you in two hours."; Trent said with a fake smile.
"See you, I love you!"; Gabriela said goodbye. Trent hung up and Jude jumped on top of him and started shaking him.
"NO, NO, NO, NO, what did you just do?"; Jude asked, all full of frustration.
"I have no idea, I panicked."; Trent answered.
"You're so stupid mate, now I have to think of something to get you out of this situation."; Jude said pushing his friend in front of him.

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