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After preparing to go out, the boys headed towards Gabriela and Antonella's house. The houses were close so they arrived very quickly.

As soon as the door opened, Antonella ran to hug Jude, even though they had seen each other a few hours ago. Trent and Gabriela hugged each other as well. When they hug, it usually takes about two minutes for them to separate from each other. Gabriela locked the house and they headed to the restaurant together.

They had a nice dinner together. Trent, Jude, Gabriela and Antonella are very close and every moment they spend together is like gold. From a distance it even looks like they are on a double date.

"To be honest, I'm pretty tired from the game."; Jude said finishing his dinner. Trent gave him a "what are you doing?" look.
"Nella, what do you think we should go home and watch a movie and hang out?"; Jude asked his girlfriend.
"I'd like to, there's a lot I want to tell you anyway."; Antonella agreed.
"Great then, we can go to our place and then watch a movie together."; Gabriela liked the idea.
"Don't worry about us, I'm sure you and Trent have your own plans."; Jude tried to help his friend.
"They probably want a few minutes to themselves, and we can go get ice cream together."; Trent suggested.
"Oh I see, I saw a new ice cream shop opened nearby so we can go there."; Gabriela was very happy to agree with the idea.

Gabriela and Trent decided to walk to a nearby ice cream shop since it wasn't too far. During this time, Jude and Antonella took a taxi to the house. The night was quiet and warm, and the streets were quiet.
"We are here."; Trent said opening the door for Gabriela.
"I really like it here."; Gabriela noticed the beautifully decorated space. They found a table and sat down. Gabriela is the type of person who plays it safe, so she always takes the same flavor of ice cream. Chocolate for the last 20 years. Trent, on the other hand, loves to try new things, so he took the weirdest ice cream he could find on the menu.

"Uh, I wanted to tell you something... I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time... I mean I wanted to tell you... what I wanted to tell you is..."; Trent tried to find the words, but he just got confused.
"...I have to admit...";
"Would you like to buy a rose for a beautiful lady, sir?:; an old woman approached the table and tried to sell Trent a rose.
"No thanks ma'am, I don't need a rose, what I was going to say..."; Trent refused to buy the rose.
"But you must get a rose for your beautiful lady."; the old woman did not give up.
"I don't need a rose, I really don't, go sell it to someone else."; Trent argued with the old woman. But really, out of 28 other tables, she came to that table, at that very moment.
"But you're such a sweet young man, why don't you take a rose to your girlfriend?"; the old woman didn't give up, so Trent finally gave in.
"Okay, how much is a rose?"; he finally took out his wallet.
"Only $7." answered the old woman.
"7$ for a rose, are you out of your mind?"; Trent said louder, making everyone look at him strangely. It was shameful and Trent wanted to collapse through the earth. He embarrassed himself in front of everyone, and worst of all, he embarrassed himself in front of Gabriela.
"Does your rose sing lullabies so it's $7? What a steal."; Trent muttered and gave the old woman some money.
"It was nice doing business with you."; the old woman said, laughed and took the money.
"Very nice lady."; Gabriela laughed. Trent was losing his temper slightly, but still remained calm.

"...I wanted to say that..."
"Your order.;" the waiter came and brought the ice creams they ordered.
"Thank you, can we have the bill?"; Gabriela asked for the bill.
"Nonsense, I'll pay." Trent said.
"No, no, I will pay, I can pay myself."; Gabriela said pulling out her wallet.
"I know you can, but I want to pay."; Trent spoke. The waiter was standing in front of them waiting for them to make an agreement.
"Let me go, just this once."; Trent was trying to talk Gabriela into paying.
"You always say that."; Gabriela did not want to give up. This happened all the time, Trent always wanted to pay and Gabriela never wanted someone to pay for her. While they were arguing, Trent took the opportunity and quickly paid with the card.
"Next time."; Gabriela said and Trent smiled. They were eating ice cream and laughing. The perfect date, but the problem was that it wasn't really a date at all. Trent wanted so badly to tell Gabriela how he felt.
"I just wanted to tell you something a while ago, but I was interrupted..."; Trent began to speak. He leaned on the table in front of him. Gabriela was smiling at him, he was looking straight into her eyes. He couldn't believe that this moment had finally arrived. He started to say something, but was interrupted by loud applause. When he turned around, he saw a guy kneeling in front of his girlfriend. Someone just got engaged in front of them.
"Trent, look, this is so cute, don't you think?"; Gabriela said taking Trent's hand that was on the table.
"This is really a dream come true, getting engaged."; Trent replied with a fake smile, he had had enough of everything. He just wanted to express his love to the girl he loves so much who was sitting in front of him.
"And...."; Trent tried to resume his conversation after the situation calmed down.
"Oh my God!"; Gabriela stopped him.
"What happened, what's wrong?"; Trent asked worriedly.
"I forgot to give the keys to Antonella and Jude. They can't enter the house. I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of that?"; Gabriela explained the situation.
"Understood, we should go then."; Trent said getting up from his seat.
"What did you want to tell me?"; Gabriela asked.
"Nothing important, I'll tell you another time."; Trent answered. He had already had enough of everything. He had completely given up on that evening.
"Oh okay then."

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