8 | A Moment and a Memory

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I woke up this morning with a bad headache that felt like a freight train was running through my head. The light streaming in through the window felt like daggers, and even the softest sounds were like thunder in my ears. It was as if my head had its own personal storm raging inside, making every move I made feel like a battle. Starting the day with that kind of headache was definitely not my idea of a good time. I slowly rose from bed, gently massaging the back of my head, contemplating if eating something might ease the discomfort. Entering the kitchen, I spotted Sheldon engrossed in his homework at the breakfast bar, oblivious to my presence.

"Hey, Lee. Everything alright?" I inquired, pouring myself coffee, a rare choice for me, hoping it might alleviate my headache. "Not really," Sheldon replied, erasing parts of his paper. "How can I assist?" I asked, settling in front of him with an apple in hand. "I'm stuck on identifying the fundamental particle in the Standard Model of particle physics," Sheldon confessed, sinking into his chair.

"It's the photon. Photons function as force carriers, not fundamental particles," I clarified, taking a sip of my coffee. Sheldon gazed at me in awe, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. "You're brilliant," he praised, a smile gracing his face. "Just doing my best," I replied, sharing a giggle with him. His smile is beyond adorable, I hardly catch a glimpse of it except when he's with me. "Are you feeling alright?" Sheldon inquires, noticing my headache. I give a small nod. "Just dealing with a pesky headache," I explain. "It might be the stress from yesterday. I'm glad you're eating," he remarks, bringing a smile to my face. "By the way, are you still up for that party?" Sheldon questions, subtly hinting his preference. Despite sensing his reluctance, I genuinely want to go. "Yes, and so does Missy," I reply. Sheldon rolls his eyes playfully, "Fine," he concedes, eliciting a smile from me.

‎‧₊˚✧ time skip ✧˚₊‧

"We're back!" Mrs. Cooper calls out from the living room with Missy. "Hey Mrs. Cooper! Hi Missy!" I didn't even let Missy finish before whisking her into her room, where we eagerly selected outfits and did each other's makeup. It felt so nice. I've never had a sister before, and Missy truly felt like one. Her energy was infectious, and she was a delight to be around.

"We need to keep it down, let's wait for my parents to sleep, then we can go," Missy whispers, and I nod in agreement. Quietly, I exit Missy's room and head into Sheldon's. "Hey, Lee-" I start, stepping into his room, only to find Sheldon dressed in a Spock costume from Star Trek. "Sheldon... What's with the outfit?" I ask, utterly bewildered by what I see. "I'm all set to beam down to the party," he declares, performing the Vulcan Salute with his hand. "This must be a joke..." I slowly utter as I stand there, stunned. "It is, don't worry," Sheldon chuckles before removing the costume. My eyes widen before immediately leaving Sheldon's room and closing the door. I bury my face into my hands before walking back into Missy's room.

I walk into Missy's room, my cheeks feeling warmer than usual. "You're blushing," Missy observes, a playful smile on her face. "No way!" I quickly deny, trying to hide my embarrassment behind my hands. Missy sits beside me, a knowing look in her eyes. "You've got a thing for my brother, don't you?" she teases, causing my eyes to widen. How did she figure it out? "I... um... maybe a little," I admit, my cheeks flushing even more at the confession. Missy lets out a sarcastic laugh, "Y/N, I know you love him. I can see it written all over your face." Love? The word swirls in my mind, I've never felt it before. What does it even mean? What does it feel like?

Before I can dwell on it further, Sheldon walks in, breaking the moment. "We should head out now; my parents are asleep," Sheldon suggests. I quickly stand up, ready to follow them. Quietly, we make our way out of Missy's window, one by one, with me being the last. "Come on, Y/N," Sheldon offers his hand, and I take it, feeling a rush of warmth at our touch. Hand in hand, we run alongside Missy to Veronica's house, the night filled with excitement and a hint of something more.

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Third person POV
As they step into Veronica Dunkin's bustling house, with the music blaring and teenagers everywhere, Y/N unconsciously tightens her grip on Sheldon's hand, seeking solace in his touch. Sheldon's worried question breaks the moment, "Are you okay, Y/N/N?" Y/N smiles and nods, but her mind wanders, unsure of Missy's whereabouts, probably off dancing somewhere. Y/N stays close to Sheldon, finding comfort in his presence, reluctant to let go of his hand.

Veronica's sarcastic greeting adds tension to the atmosphere, "Heyyy! I'm so glad you made it." Her words dripping with insincerity as she comments on Y/N's shirt, "Cute shirt!" She interrupted as an evil grin appeared on her cheeks before she "accidentally" throws her red drink all over Y/N's white top causing her and Sheldon to gasp. Y/N's heart sinks at the cruel act, a mix of embarrassment and anger bubbles inside of her. "Well, thats a bit pathetic. No wonder your mom left, she couldn't stand the sight of a pathetic, needy child like you." The words hang in the air like a sharp dagger, cutting through the girl's defenses and piercing her heart. Tears well up in her eyes, the pain of abandonment resurfacing, leaving her feeling shattered and alone.

Veronica's harsh words cut deep, "You should leave, no one wants you here, especially after what you did with Derek. It's embarrassing." With a sneer, she walks away, leaving Y/N feeling exposed and vulnerable. Y/N releases Sheldon's hand, needing a moment alone, and rushes to the nearest bathroom, closely followed by Sheldon, who pleads outside the closed door, "Y/N? Let me in, please. I'm so sorry that happened."

"Just please leave me alone, Sheldon," Y/N's voice trembles with emotion as tears stream down her face. Feeling overwhelmed and isolated, she longs for comfort but struggles to show her vulnerability. After a moment, she emerges from the bathroom, seeking solace in the quiet backyard, away from the chaos. Surrounded by peace, she gazes up at the stars, finding solace in their beauty, a comforting sight in her moment of distress.

"Can i sit?" Sheldon appears next to her causing her to flinch a bit. She just shrug as he quickly sits next to Y/N looking at the beautiful sight above them. "Did you know that stars twinkle because of the Earth's atmosphere causing their light to refract? It's like nature's way of adding a little sparkle to the night sky." Sheldon's insightful comment adds a touch of wonder to their stargazing moment. Y/N smiles. Her heart fluttered as she gazed at Sheldon, admiring his intelligence and kindness. She found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't quite explain. His presence made her feel a mix of emotions - admiration, fondness, and a hint of uncertainty. Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that Sheldon was different, that being around him made her see the world in a new light. The thought of whether she loved him lingered in her mind, creating a sweet yet perplexing sensation in her heart.

Y/N's heart raced as Sheldon's gaze met hers, a silent understanding passing between them. The night sky seemed to shimmer with an unspoken chemistry, mirroring the quickening beat of their hearts. Sheldon's hand reached out, gently brushing against Y/N's cheek, a gesture filled with tenderness and longing. In that moment, with the stars as their witnesses, they both knew that something special was about to happen.

The two slowly lean in as their lips met in a soft, tender kiss, a moment filled with the warmth of their feelings. It was a sweet and magical connection, where their hearts beat as one, and the chemistry between them was palpable. In that embrace, Y/N and Sheldon found a new chapter beginning in their story, one filled with love and possibility.

an: AHHANSNSNSNXBCC IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!??!!? even though i'm the one writing this im so so happy 😭😭😭

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