Chapter 2

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I got there just as they pulled a body out onto a gurney. I cringed at the sight of it. Yup that's Scooter. I moved to the side as they laid him down and sat on a ledge. Soon after John B, JJ, Pope and Kie appeared. "Who is that?"

"Scooter Grubbs." I told him. "Lana swung by the Cameron's house this morning asking if anyone had seen him."

"You think he was driving it?" John B asked, and I nodded.

"How did that dirtbag get a Grady White?" JJ asked.

"Why do you think the first place Lana looked was the Cameron house?" They all turned to look at me.

"So you think Ward Cameron gave him the boat?" Pope asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know anything for certain." I explained. "Last night he stopped by to help Sarah and I secure the Cameron's boat, and then Lana said he never came home. It seems weird that he randomly offered to help us with something at Ward's place, then disappeared in a boat that our two families are probably the only ones who can afford."

"You sure it wasn't your dad's boat?" JJ asked and I scoffed.

"Please, my dad would not let someone like Scooter Grubb's use one of his boats."

"Too much of a Pogue?" Kie asked, and I nodded.

"I have a little more information for you cut dwellers but I want something in return first." I started, and they raised their eyebrows.

"Cut dwellers, that's a new one." John B joked. "What's your price kook?"

"I gave you a wealth of information so now it's your turn. How did you know he was in a Grady White?"

"That's sensitive information." JJ replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"I know you found it." I changed up the question. "I heard that everyone over here on figure eight wants to find that boat. I'm not sure what's on it, but my guess is it's probably something expensive, so if you're getting to it, I want in."

"How do we know you can be trusted?" JJ asked, standing right in front of me. "You're a kook after all, and you date Rafe Cameron which means you don't make the best choices." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry how much insider info have I given you guys over the years?" I asked him, "And JJ how many anonymous bail payments have l done to get you out of the can."

"She's right." John B backed me up. "She has proven herself."

"Despite her bad taste in boyfriends." Kie teased.

"And Rafe is gonna be cool with you slumming it with us?" Pope questioned, and I opened my phone before flipping off my location for him.

"How would he know?" They seemed more relaxed at this.

"Well alright then."

I went with the Pogues back to John B's place or as they call it the "Chateau" and we all sat on the porch. "Since you're a temporary Pogue now you need to be filled in on the rules." JJ stated.


"There's a few that are important one you never lie to Pogues." John B explained.

"Two, no Pogue-on-Pogue macking." JJ replied. "But since you're like half a Pogue I can make an exception if you wanna-"

"JJ!" Kie hissed, and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Number three never turn your back on a Pogue in need."

"And four isn't really a rule, more like a motto." Pope explained. "JJ." He waited for him to explain it.

"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time."

"Alright, that doesn't sound too hard." | nodded. "I can do that."

"Now that you've been properly initiated, we found something on the boat." John B explained.

"What do you mean?"

"We found a key which lead to a motel room where we found a big wad of cash." JJ held it up. "We also found this." JJ held up a gun and my eyes widened.

"Holy shit."

"We aren't keeping that money." Kie chimed in and JJ rolled his eyes.

"We can't all afford unlimited data plans Kiara." She shook her head at him. They had an argument about keeping the money and I shook my head in annoyance.

"GUYS!" They all stopped and looked at me. "Instead of fighting about keeping the money you should be asking yourselves where he got it from. Ward has cash sure but I doubt he's giving that much to Scooter Grubbs."

"She's right." Pope backed me.

"Square groupers." John B thought out loud. "No aerial surveillance they can't do that during a hurricane."
"They were straight smugglin'" JJ agreed.

"That would explain why everyone is so determined to find it." I realized, and they might be on to something.

"Let's say there is drugs on it." Pope reasoned. "That means people are definitely going to be looking for it. Taking that money would be catastrophically stupid." I raised my eyebrows at this.

"Hey JJ what was that motto you told me earlier?" He smirked at this.

"Stupid things, have good outcomes all the time." He fanned out the wad of hundreds that they found in Scooter's motel room.

"Alright well until we find a way to get into that cargo hold we need to act normal." Pope suggested. "Lay low."

"How do we do that?"

"Kegger?" Kie asked, and they nodded in agreement.


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