Chapter 25

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I got inside to see Sarah sitting on the couch and I gave her a 'wtf' look. I hope she explains to me what the hell John B told her because I'm lost right now. I sat down next to her and Ward looked between us angrily. "John B was here wasn't he?" I gave him a confused look because I really don't know for sure if he was.

"No." Sarah answered.

"Sweetheart please don't lie to me." Ward pleaded with her and she stood up angrily.

"Okay so then don't lie to me!"

"I'm not!" He argued, and I decided I should chime in.

"Tell us what happened on the boat." His gaze moved from Sarah to me. Something more than what he said
had to have happened, otherwise he wouldn't be so paranoid right now.

"Girls." He scoffed, as if it was insulting for me to even ask. "I wanted to take the boy fishing alright you saw that!" He gestured to Sarah. "! did it because a boy needs a father figure. And at first it was great, it really was and then he starts...drinking...and then accusing me of these...insane things." This definitely seems like a lie.
I've been around John B drunk many times and I don't think he's ever acted out of line before. If he had said it was JJ I would have believed it. "The more I try to calm him down the angrier he gets and then he attacks me!" A bad feeling filled me. John B wouldn't have attacked him, not unless he had no choice. Ward's lying.

"John B wouldn't do that." Sarah defended him.

"You don't believe that?" He asked, and then looked at me and I shook my head no too. I don't believe it, not even for a second. "You want to see it again!" He rolled up his sleeve to reveal the gash in his arm. "The spear from where he attacked me! Do you want to see the one in the deck of the Druthers?! You wanna see it now come on let's go!"

"Stop!" Sarah hissed, clearly torn between believing her dad or her boyfriend. "Please stop yelling!" Ward took a breath and paced around the room for a second before sitting down.

"I'm sorry baby I don't mean to yell." He spoke in a calmer tone. "John B is not who you two think he is. I mean if you heard the crazy things he was saying on that boat."

"Like what?" I asked, wanting to know what's got him and Rafe so worked up.

"Like I killed his father." He said it with a half-laugh at how ridiculous it seems. If you asked me a month ago I would say it's absurd and that Ward wouldn't be capable of something like that. After seeing him nearly kill Barry it's not as unbelievable to me now. "Like that! Me! Did he telli you that?" Sarah looked down and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Sweetheart I know you have feelings for John B. I know how strong that can be especially at your age." Her eyes locked on his and I hope she's not actually buying this. "He's dangerous right now, for both of you to be around." he looked at me too. "I don't know what he would do to the two of you if you made him angry and I just...can't have that. I need you two to promise me that you'll stay away from him, and that you'll stay here until it all blows over." Why so we can't testify against you?

I looked over at Sarah waiting for her call. John B is my friend but he's her boyfriend and she's my best friend first. This is her call and I'll follow her lead. She nodded and I did too. "Why don't you girls get some sleep." We both left the room and I followed her to her room.


Once the door closed I started pacing anxiously. "We gotta get out of here."

"How?" She asked, and I shrugged. I mean at the end of the day I'm not Ward's kid, he can't force me to stay here.

"You didn't buy any of that did you?" I can tell by the look on her face that she's conflicted. "John B isn't a violent person I mean I don't want to admit it Sarah but there's a good chance-"

"Stop." She cut me off and looked down. I know she doesn't want to accept it, but it's seems more likely than Ward's theory. "Let's just deal with it tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." I don't necessarily want to just let it go, but I know Sarah isn't going to listen right now. I waited a few more hours until I was sure Sarah was sleeping and then slipped out of her room. I crept down the stairs hoping that Ward doesn't try to stop me, but thankfully he trusts that Sarah and I would stay here. I left the house and rushed to head back to my place, but I could hear the sound of a voice I would recognize anywhere, Kie.

"In a time of need you're just gonna bail?! You're just gonna walk away?!" As I got closer to the small boat by the dock of the Cameron house I realized it's Kie, Pope, and JJ.

"I have a scholarship interview in the morning." Pope argued.

"What about John B?!" Kie yelled and now they saw me.

"Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" I asked them and JJ helped me into the boat.

"Why is it always about John B?!" Pope questioned her.

"This isn't about John B it would be the same for any one of you guys." She defended herself, and I'm lost.
"Guys quiet down!" I shushed them. "I could hear you as soon as I got outside and if you're not careful Ward will too."

"What about friendship?!" She continued.

"What about forensic pathology?!" Pope fought back. "I've worked my entire life for this!"

"That's your priority?!"

"Stop with the moral high ground bullshit!" Pope hissed, and I looked at JJ who tried to break it up.

"Excuse me!?"

"No! She has no place to talk!" Pope shut her down. "Where were you when Big John went missing?! You weren't there. Not for John B or any of us. You had your kook year and forgot about us." I'm starting to wish I didn't get into this boat right now.

"Give me a break!" She snapped, and shoved him. Pope started shoving her back and JJ and I jumped in the middle splitting them up.

"If I'm the one mediating we've hit rock bottom." JJ told them. "Bow now." Pope went to the opposite end of the boat and I sailed with them while JJ dropped off Pope.


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