Chapter 42

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Later that night I got a text from Kie saying they got the gun and tried to bring it to Shoupe but he blew them off again. I can't say I'm surprised at that considering how everything else went lately. I decided to take a shower and when I got out there was a knock on my bedroom door. I tucked the towel on my body tighter and opened it to see Rafe. "Hey." He greeted, and I stepped back letting him in.

"Give me a second I was just getting dressed." I went to walk back into the bathroom but he caught my hand gently stopping me.

"Don't bother." I raised my eyebrows at this and he backed us up before siting on the edge of my bed.

"You're in a good mood." I remarked, noticing that he doesn't seem as terrified or stressed as I thought he would. I guess Shoupe really did ignore the gun.


"I'm with you." He responded, and grabbed the hem of the towel gently, pulling it off, and exposing me to him. He smiled at the sight of me and I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "You are...the most beautiful woman in the entire world." His hands traced over the curves of my body gently and I watched as his eyes raked over me, taking me all in as if he hasn't seen me a thousand times like this.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, climbing onto the bed and straddling him.

"Yeah." He placed his lips against mine softly and I wrapped my arms around his neck, moving me in even closer to him as the kiss got more intense. I can feel him pushing against me through his jeans and I ground my hips down to create a little friction, making him let out a moan into my mouth. A few seconds later his breathing became a bit more hitched and he flipped us over so now I'm on my back. He stood up and practically ripped his clothes off before crashing his lips against mine again. While he kissed me he slipped his hand between us and I felt him rubbing against me back and forth making my eyes flutter shut at the feeling. He then slipped in two fingers making my head drop back and moans roll off my lips. "Look at you falling apart for me." He muttered, kissing me more intently. With each pump of his fingers I felt the not in my stomach tightening.

"Rafe I'm close." I managed to sputter out and to my surprise he added a third, making me hit my high faster than I expected. "Shit Rafe!" I breathed out as my body shook beneath him.

"Oh my god you're perfect." He praised me and pulled his hand back before aligning himself with me. "Ready for me babygirl?" I nodded as beads of sweat formed on his forehead and he slammed into me. After a few thrusts he stopped and I looked at him confused. "On your hands and knees." Despite the wobbliness in my legs I did as he said and he gripped onto my hips tightly before pounding into me from behind.

My head hung down as I felt the pit in my stomach forming again.

"Rafe." I cried out his name and then he dug his hands into my hair, pulling me up gently while still thrusting inside me so my back is practically against his chest.

"You're my girl Molly right? Mine and no one else's." He spoke and I'd question the need for reassurance right now but the absolute last thing I want is for him to stop moving.

"I'm yours Rafe." I groaned out and I felt my eyes roll back as he moved even harder than before. I let out a loud moan as I finished and he was right behind me, pulling me tightly against him and slamming his lips to mine as he hit his high. We both caught our breath for a second and then he slipped out of me before picking up the towel and cleaning us both up.


A few minutes later we were laying in my bed and watching tv. "You know there's another reason why I'm in a good mood." He spoke, and ! looked up at him confused.

"What happened?"

"I'm going to the Bahamas tomorrow with my dad." I swear my heart stopped in my chest at his words.

"The Bahamas?! Wh-Why would you go there?" There's no way they could have found out about John B and Sarah being there right?

"He didn't say, just that it's business." He answered. "Probably whatever he was originally beginning to do with Sarah before..." He trailed off, not wanting to finish that sentence. Instantly guilt rushed through me that I've known this whole time Sarah's alive while her family has to live with thinking she's dead. "He said he needs someone who has his back."

"Rafe maybe you shouldn't go." I said, hoping I don't set him off.

"Why not?"

"I might look suspicious after what happened with Gavin for both of you to leave." His eyes locked on mine and they're starting to turn into the ones I'm not a fan of.

"Nothing happened with Gavin Molly." He stated threateningly, as if telling me to let it go.

"Rafe, I know what the business is in Nassau." I said, hoping he'll listen to me and stay out of this. If Rafe gets wrapped up in the gold rush it's going to turn ugly. "It's the gold and you shouldn't-"

"Please tell me you're not seriously trying to sell me this gold story again."

"It's the truth Rafe!" I hissed, getting annoyed now and sitting up. "Why would I lie about that?"

"I don't know why do you lie about other things? Why do you lie about seeing the Pogues, or where you're going? You lie about a lot of things Molly don't act like it's so hard to believe that I would doubt this." He hissed, and I shook my head angrily.

"I lied about all of those things because I was going after the gold Rafe." I tried to get him to understand. The only shot Rafe has at getting out of this mess is distancing himself from Ward. Ward will only take advantage of his anger and that's not right.

"Stop stop stop." He shushed me. "Look I don't want to spend my last night here fighting with you so let's just for once in our lives agree to leave it until morning." I looked away and took a breath to try to calm down. "I don't know how long I'm going to be gone for and I want to spend tonight with the girl I love and worry about everything else another time alright?"

"Fine, but tomorrow you're fair game." I caved in and he smiled before pulling me back down beside him on the bed.

"Deal." He responded, leaning in and giving me another kiss. Hopefully I can talk him out of this tomorrow, otherwise Sarah and John B might really be in trouble.

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