Chapter 33

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We were all brought down to the headquarters for the task force which is a couple of tents set up by the water. We noticed the place was surrounded by news vans, and nosy onlookers being held back by officers and caution tape. By the time we got there darkness surrounded us and we were sent into a tent with Deputy Plumb. "Have a seat right there." She demanded. "Had a feeling I'd be seeing you again Wescott." She hissed, and I rolled my eyes before sitting down between Kie and JJ.

"Sit down and don't move. We got a lot to talk about." Shoupe told us. "Keep an eye on these kids." A man armed with a large gun stood directly in front of us staring us down like a hawk, so there's no hope for us to get out of here.

"I want eyes on all coastal access points people! Let's get this guy!" We could hear one of the officers in the adjoining tent. If they're going to block off every coastal access point it doesn't look too good for John B. We also heard on the radio that there's a tropical storm moving in which made my heart race nervously. I get that sending him out by boat was probably the least ideal situation but it seems like it was the only option and now it seems like we might have sent him out to his death. Luckily the storm knocked the power out at the lighthouse so if John B is out there they won't be able to see him.

A few minutes later lights started flickering back on. "That's them!" We heard and all of us jumped up to see.

"Don't move!" The guard warned us, but let us stand at least. My heart pounded in my chest as the Phantom sat in front of the island.

"It's the Phantom!" Someone yelled, naming the boat and JJ and I shared a panicked look. Why isn't John B slamming on the fucking gas and sending that boat flying. Finally the boat started moving and we watched as he shot in the direction of some other police boats.

"Subject is changing direction and heading South!" Someone announced on the radio and my stomach

"South?!" Kie questioned.

"Into the storm?!" Pope also realized how dangerous this is.

"Suspect is attempting to escape to the south. Our attempts to contact the vessel were unsuccessful. We're getting hammered here."

"Hold your position captain. I think we got one more card we can play." The head SBI guy left the tent for a second and my eyes widened as he walked back in with Ward. Ward either didn't see me or pretended he didn't and sat down in their side of the tent.

"John B? John B I know you are there, son. I know you can hear me." His voice boomed. "And if you love my daughter like I think you love my daughter you will turn that boat around and come back. You are going into a storm that you cannot survive." We heard the click of the radio and my heart hammered loudly in my chest. As much as I hate Ward for what he did to John B I hope John B listens. Taking that boat into that storm is basically a death sentence. "John B I will make it right I promise you. Please come back." Silence lingered and he spoke again. "John B I am begging you. Think of her and turn around."

"Ward Cameron do you hear me?" All four of us shared a look.

"Yes, son I'm right here. I'm right here. Please bring her back okay? We'll work it all out when you get home."

"You killed my father!" My jaw dropped at his words that are now on full blast for everyone on the island to hear. "And you framed me for a murder I didn't commit! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" tears formed in my eyes at the pain in John B's voice. "You took everything for me! But I'm still here. And I swear to God Ward. I will come back one day and take what's mine. So you listen to me, alright? I'm coming for you.

I'm coming for you." The radio clicked signaling John B isn't going to say anything else and I listened for their reaction but I can't hear it.

"We've lost their radio signal sir!"

"Those are kids out there." Shoupe spoke and I can tell by the tone of his voice that his attitude towards John B may have just shifted.

"Don't stop lookin."


A few hours went by and the crowd began thinning out. Search and Rescue keeps announcing that they can't find anything and all of us started getting upset as reality began to set in that they probably didn't make it through the storm. Finally, Shoupe and the deputies came over to us and we all stood. "Did you find them?" Pope asked, and I felt hope rush through me at the thought that by some miracle they made it out alive.

"No." Shoupe answered, and I saw the hope in Kie's eyes glow.

"So they got away."

"We uh..we lost them." Shoupe clarified and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. "I'm sorry."

"Lost them? As in lost like you can't find them or..." I trailed off feeling my chest tighten. It wasn't just John B in that boat it was Sarah, my best friend for my entire life.

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression." He responded, essentially confirming that they're dead. I felt the room start spinning.

"So they're dead?" Kie asked clearly in disbelief.

"We don't know."

"You drove them straight through the storm man!" JJ yelled getting in Shoppe's face and I felt the hot tears come rushing down my cheeks. "Are you kidding me?! COME HERE MAN!" He lunged at Shoupe. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

"JJ!" I cried out and pulled him back as the deputy's jumped in. "JJ stop!" I pleaded with him as he let go.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" Pope screamed, also getting into Shoppe's face. "He didn't kill anyone and you know it!"

"We're still looking for him alright?!" Pope backed up and Kiara's sobs filled the tent. I felt my body shaking as the tears rushed out. Kie and Pope's parents arrived and pulled them into hugs and just as I felt myself about to collapse to the ground JJ's arms wrapped around me holding me up. I cried into him and he clung to me just as tightly. His body shook against me as he sobbed and after a minute or two we felt another arm wrap around us pulling us into Pope and his family.

"It's okay, it's okay." Mrs. Heyward comforted us, but it's not okay. Memories of moments that Sarah and I shared started floating on repeat in my mind and with every laugh, smile, cry, and image of her face I felt my body shake harder and harder. I've never had anyone I truly considered family until I met her. She was my sister, and now she's gone forever.

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Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now