Chapter 24

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The next day I hung out with Sarah at her house while we waited for the Pogue's to text us about going back down for the gold. Ward took John B fishing and we figured he should have been back by now as it's almost nightfall. While I was sitting on Sarah's bed I noticed Rafe walk by to go into his room. I know we're not technically "together" at the moment but I can't deny the butterflies I get when I see him.

"Oh you guys are so back together." Sarah remarked, and I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I've been staring at the now empty hallway for far too long.

"No we're not." I shut her down. The last thing I need is her starting something by telling John B. She shot me a look that says she knows I'm lying.

"You're a bad liar Molly, you always have been." She countered and stood up. "He walked by and you stared at him like this." She made an over dramatic face and I rolled my eyes before standing up also.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I went towards the hallway and she let out a laugh from behind me.

"Tell 'the bathroom' he's an asshole and you deserve better!" She shouted. I closed her bedroom door behind me and made my way towards Rafe's room.


I knocked on his door gently, knowing that even if Sarah doesn't care, Ward and Rose don't like me going in his room. The door opened and Rafe smirked when he saw me. "Took you long enough." He mumbled and pulled me inside before closing and locking the door. My back landed against it as he crashed his lips against mine hungrily. I can tell something's bothering him because he seems more needy. My hands tangled into his hair and I pulled him in closer as things started to get more intense.

"You seem stressed." I remarked, breaking away from the kiss for a second.

"I'm always stressed." He responded with a lopsided grin, and my eyes locked on his as I reached for the zipper of his shorts.

"Maybe I can help?" I flirted and he nodded eagerly, eyes becoming hooded with lust.

"Son!" Ward's voice boomed, and his footsteps came closer to the door making us jump apart.

"Shit!" We both hissed, knowing Ward's going to catch me in here. He started knocking on the door and I think we both know it's better to ask for forgiveness than try to hide. We backed up and he opened it. Ward's eyes flickered between us and then set on Rafe.

"Dad I-"

"I need to talk to you." He told Rafe sternly and Rafe followed him outside of the room. I debated on staying here or going back to Sarah's room but figured he'll probably come in here and lecture me next. A minute or two later Rafe came back in along with Ward.

"What's going on?" I can tell by the look on Rafe's face that something happened. Something way worse than us getting caught in his room.

"Where's John B?" Ward asked me eyes locked in on me like I might disappear and I gave him a confused look.

"John B? I don't know." I responded honestly.

"I know you're friends with him Molly and we need to know where he is."

"Why?" This is definitely not where I was expecting this conversation to go.

"Just answer the question sweetie." Ward pushed me with a tone that says he's seconds away from losing his shit and I shrugged.

"He was supposed to text Sarah and I today when he got back from fishing with you but we haven't heard from him." I answered him. "The last we heard from him was right before you guys left." Ward looked at Rafe and nodded at him before leaving the room and slamming the door shut behind him.

"Rafe what's happening?" I asked, and he rushed over to me.

"John B stabbed my dad on the boat today." My eyes widened at this.

"I seriously doubt that." I can't see John B hurting anyone, especially not Ward.

"Well it happened. He went ballistic on my dad for some reason and then took off on our jet ski. My dad is afraid that he's coming after us." I shook my head in disbelief. This isn't adding up.

"I gotta go." I told him and went for the door but he stopped me.

"You can't leave." I raised my eyebrows at this. Is he serious right now?

"Rafe get out of my way."

"No, you're not leaving alright. You're staying here tonight." The fact that he's so adamant on me staying here is starting to make me nervous and I feel like I need to get out of here right now.

"I'm a grown woman you can't tell me what to do!" I snapped. I need to talk to John B or the Pogues and figure out what exactly is going on here.


"Sarah!" We could hear screaming from outside and both of us walked over to his window to see Ward and Rose looking outside for her.

My heart hammered fearfully at the thought of John B doing something to her. I made a run for the door but Rafe beat me to it grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"Rafe let go of me!"

"You're not leaving!" He yelled and threw me the other way so now I'm further from the door. I stumbled a little at the force and I can see it in his face that he's starting to turn into the Rafe I don't like.

"She's here Ward!" I looked back out the window to see Rose pulling Sarah back inside and Ward scolded her for being outside. John B had to be out there. She was in her room there's no reason she would have had to be outside. Rafe and I stayed in silence and a few minutes later his bedroom door opened.

"Molly I need to talk to you." Ward stated and I followed him out of the room to his office.


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