CHAPTER 02: Serendipitous Encounter

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One month had passed since moving, and I found myself waking up at the crack of dawn, groggily reaching for my coffee to kickstart my day. With a series of morning rituals completed-bathing, teeth brushing, makeup application, contact lenses, and wig adjustment-I was finally ready to face the world.

My destination? The grandest company in the city, "Seira Co." Its CEO, a man of immense power, practically ran the whole city. Sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder if the name "Seira Co." was just a coincidence or something more...fateful.

As I stepped into the towering building, I made a beeline for my office, prepared to tackle the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated on my desk. One hour later, just as I was drowning in a sea of documents, a woman with gentle beauty and soft ash brown hair, complemented by mesmerizing blue-grey eyes, walked into my office.

"Hello! My name is Heaventon Singeman, but you can call me 'Heave' or 'Heaven'," she introduced herself with a bright smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Heave. I'm Alsei Akahoshi," I replied politely, trying to hide my confusion.

'Ah, Akahoshi, huh,' she thought to herself.

"How can I assist you?" I inquired, maintaining my polite demeanor.

"I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I assumed you were new here," she explained.

"Yes, I am indeed new," I confirmed.

"I actually read your bio earlier," Heave added with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

My bio? I thought, slightly taken aback.

"Oh, I see," I responded, unsure of what else to say.

"I'd love to get to know you better, but I have to run now. We can chat another time. See you soon!" she cheerfully bid me farewell before exiting the room.

There was something different and oddly familiar about Heave, I pondered as the door closed behind her.

Hours later, as I continued my work, a knock on my office door interrupted my concentration.

"Come in!" I called out, curious to see who it was.

Cecily, an assistant from Department B, entered my office and informed me, "Ms. Akahoshi, the Vice CEO has requested you to deliver these papers to her."

I raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the sudden request. Why me?

"Alright," I obediently responded.

Cecily handed me the stack of papers and expressed her gratitude before returning to her own workspace.

I made my way to the office of the Vice CEO, knocked on the door, and heard a familiar voice beckon, "Come in."

Stepping inside, I was taken aback to find Heave and a man with captivating gold eyes in the room.

"So, you're the Vice CEO?" I asked, trying to maintain a serious tone.

"Yes, indeed!" she beamed proudly.

"I see," I simply replied.

Without wasting any time, I handed the papers to her. "Here are the papers you requested."

"Thank you so much," she happily expressed her gratitude.

"Yes, you're welcome. I'll take my leave now," I smiled, though it felt a bit forced.

"Wait! Before you go, I think it's about time I introduced him to you. We'll be working together from now on," Heave said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Akio Huntly," the man with gold eyes introduced himself with a smile, his silver hair appearing gray in the office lighting.

"Likewise, I'm Alsei Akahoshi," I replied, bowing slightly and avoiding direct eye contact.

"I'm looking forward to working with both of you. Carry on with your tasks, and remember, my office is always open if you need anything," the Vice CEO concluded.

I bowed to both of them and quietly left the room.


Curiosity piqued, Akio turned to Heave and asked, "Is she new here?"

Heave innocently replied, "Yes, she was hired just last week. Her bio is quite impressive."

"May I take a look?" Akio eagerly inquired.

"Why? Interested, are we?" Heave teasingly prodded.


"Could it be that 'Sundrop' has finally found interest in a certain maiden?" Akio retorted, slightly annoyed by the playful teasing.

Heave laughed playfully, enjoying his reaction. "Here you go."

Akio took the resume from her hand, his mind already racing with thoughts of Alsei. "Mind if I keep this for a while?"

"What are you planning to do with it?" Heave skeptically questioned.

Akio responded with a serious tone, "Just...things."

Heave raised an eyebrow, her playful demeanor slightly fading. "Okay, then."

Akio bid her goodbye and headed to his office, a slight smile playing on his lips.


"Well, things are certainly getting interesting," Heave mischievously thought to herself as she watched Akio close the door behind him.

With a mischievous smile, she couldn't help but revel in the intrigue of it all.

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