CHAPTER 03: Veiled Pasts Unveiled

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One week had passed since, and Alsei found herself lost in deep thoughts early in the morning. Her mind wandered, contemplating various things, including Heave and Akio, their presence lingering in her thoughts.

Unbeknownst to her, Heave quietly entered her office, her voice breaking the silence. "I'm sorry to interrupt your deep thoughts, but I wanted to let you know that you're welcome to join Akio and me for lunch again, if you'd like."

"Okay," Alsei replied, her mind still spinning. 'Since I first met them, they've always invited me to join them. Is this the change I've been seeking, or something more?'

During lunchtime, Alsei sat at the table with Akio and Heave, her thoughts still weighing heavily on her mind.

"Alsei, is something bothering you?" Heave asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Nothing, just lost in thought," Alsei responded, her words guarded.

Heave pressed further, "About what?"

"Why are the two of you so different?" Alsei finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Because we're not like everyone else, Alsei. There are people in this world whom you can truly trust. Not everyone is the same, you know?" Heave replied, taking a sip of her juice.

"I suppose," Alsei replied reluctantly.

Heave's enthusiasm grew as she asked, "Anyway, would you mind sharing something about yourself?"

"About me?" Alsei tilted her head, unaccustomed to others showing such curiosity about her due to years of distance and silence. Yet, there was a small voice inside her, urging her to trust them, assuring her of their good intentions. For the first time since her mother's passing, she opened up to someone, allowing herself to trust once more.

"My mother's name was Seira Akahoshi. She looked like me, but with ocean blue eyes. She passed away when I was twelve," Alsei shared, her voice tinged with sadness.

Heave looked at Alsei with kind and empathetic eyes, understanding the pain of losing a mother. "Ohh, I see. We're sorry, Alsei."

"It's no one's fault. Please don't apologize," Alsei replied, her gaze downcast.

Akio watched her sympathetically, his eyes filled with compassion as he asked, "And what about your father?"

"I never met him. My mother never mentioned a thing about him, perhaps because our clan forbade her from doing so," Alsei explained.

As Alsei spoke, Akio listened intently, his curiosity piqued by her story.

"Clan?" Heave inquired once more.

"I was born in a place far away from here, hidden from the world. My clan resides there. We have distinct features, like our dark red hair, although our eye colors may vary. When I turned thirteen, I made the decision to run away from home, as my mother had advised me to do if things went sour."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but why did your mother tell you to leave your hometown? Is there something wrong with your clan?" Akio wondered, his tone gentle yet curious.

"It's alright if you're not ready to share that with us. We won't rush you. Take your time," Akio reassured her.

"Thank you. But I'm not ready to disclose that just yet," Alsei replied, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Sensing Alsei's emotions threatening to overwhelm her, Heave embraced her from behind, while Akio placed a comforting hand atop hers, offering solace from the intensity of her feelings.

"It's alright. You don't have to force yourself. We understand that it's not easy. We know you've been through a lot, all alone. Your feelings are valid and understood. But you have to let go of the pain if you ever want to find happiness. Beneath this guarded exterior, I can sense a caring, loving, sweet, and understanding version of you. Regardless of which side you show me, I care for you," Heave spoke sincerely.

Heave's words resonated deeply within Alsei, evoking tears of gratitude. The fact that two strangers she had met just a week ago appreciated her was truly heartwarming.

Those words saved her from falling into the depths of despair, allowing her to feel like herself once more. Finally, she could begin to heal after years of carrying wounds and scars. She could finally release the emotions she had held in for so long. She could allow herself to be vulnerable instead of always striving to be strong. And now, she had them by her side.

"Mom, I'm no longer alone. I wish you were here with me. Thank you, Akio, Heave," Alsei whispered in the air, her heart filled with gratitude.

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