CHAPTER 07: The Enchanting Voyage and the Blossoming of Love

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Alsei's POV

One day later, as the sun began to paint the sky with hues of gold and pink, I found myself awakening two hours and thirty minutes before the promised time. With a heart brimming with anticipation, I embarked on a culinary journey, preparing a sumptuous feast for the four of us - myself, Akio, Heave, and our devoted driver. Each dish was crafted with love, a testament to the enchanting journey that awaited us.

After an hour of culinary artistry, I adorned myself in my usual disguise, donning my wig and embracing the role I had assumed. With every passing minute, my excitement grew, and I eagerly awaited their arrival.

In the midst of my anticipation, my mind drifted back to the moment when Akio enveloped me in his warm embrace. The memory lingered, etching itself into the depths of my soul. The sensation of his touch was like a gentle caress, offering solace and a sense of security. It was a rare occurrence for me to gaze into someone's eyes, but when I locked eyes with Akio, I found myself captivated by their golden radiance, reminiscent of the morning sun. In that moment, his gaze held nothing but kindness and sweetness, and I willingly surrendered myself to the intoxicating allure of his presence.

Lost in the reverie of our shared connection, I yearned to drown in the depths of his gaze, for it brought forth a profound sense of warmth and contentment.

The clock struck six in the morning, and as promised, they arrived at my house. However, a nagging feeling tugged at the corners of my mind, as if I had forgotten something important. I searched within, but the answer eluded me. With a slight sense of unease, I entered the limousine, embarking on our journey to the airport. Heave sat beside the driver, while Akio took the seat beside me. I greeted them with a cheerful "good morning," but their gazes held a hint of curiosity, as if something was amiss.

Unable to ignore the curiosity any longer, I finally asked, "Is something wrong?"

Akio's eyes widened with surprise, and he pointed towards his own eyes. Confusion washed over me as I instinctively touched the side of my eyes. And then it hit me - I had forgotten to wear my contacts!

"I-It seems that I left my contacts at home," I admitted, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me in that moment.

"Good thing I brought my glasses," I added, offering a sheepish smile to ease the tension.

Heave couldn't contain her amusement, and she giggled, her hand covering her mouth. "So, that's your true eye color. Akio can't help but stare at you."

Akio's gaze held a sense of awe as he spoke, "It's just... mesmerizing. I can't help but be captivated by it."

A blush crept up my cheeks as I averted my gaze, feeling a warmth spread throughout my being. "T-Thank you," I stammered, grateful for his kind words and the connection that seemed to deepen with each passing moment.
As the journey progressed, an overwhelming wave of sleepiness washed over me. I could no longer fight the drowsiness, and I succumbed to its embrace. With heavy eyelids, I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

An hour later, I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the sight of Akio's shoulder. I had unknowingly found solace in the comfort of resting my head upon him. To my delight, he too was sound asleep, his head gently leaning against mine.

Wanting to catch a glimpse of the passing scenery outside, I carefully shifted his head, allowing it to rest on my shoulder. However, he suddenly woke up, panic and a blush coloring his cheeks. His hands flailed in the air, as if trying to apologize for something he had no control over. I found his reaction endearing rather than annoying.

"It's fine, Akio. You should rest," I reassured him softly, placing his head back onto my shoulder. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, ensuring that his head remained secure. He didn't resist, surrendering to sleep once again.

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