CHAPTER 04: Serendipity's Embrace of Change

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Alsei's POV

It was a normal day as I rose from bed and went about my usual routine. Soon, I found myself walking to work, entering the Seira Co. building where cheerful greetings awaited me. Their warm welcome brightened my day, despite the nervousness I felt inside, even though my face didn't betray it... much.

A week ago, Heave had informed me that I needed to prepare a presentation on the company's latest product, which we'll call "Model 1326" for now. I wasn't sure why I was chosen to present it, but since Heave entrusted it to me, I couldn't let her down. I didn't want to break her trust or disappoint her expectations.

Since the last time I spoke with Heave and Akio, I began to change. I found myself talking more, smiling more, and even laughing a bit, but only in their presence. I wasn't ready to reveal my true self to others just yet. Heave had mentioned that it takes time to open up to people.

At exactly eight o'clock in the morning, I arrived at the meeting room ahead of everyone else. I prepared my presentation while waiting for the others to join. As I gathered my thoughts, intrusive questions entered my mind. 'Why are Heave and Akio always together? What is their relationship?' I couldn't help but wonder, though I wasn't sure why these thoughts plagued me. Perhaps it was mere curiosity. I snapped out of my reverie as Akio called my name, reassuring me not to be nervous and to do my best. His words eased my anxiety. Heave, too, smiled at me, offering the same encouragement. When they were around, I felt a sense of calm and even the urge to shed tears.

Soon, it was time to present. I focused on delivering my work and answering questions from the attendees. According to their expressions, I assumed I had done well. As the meeting concluded, whispers and discussions filled the room, until one person said something to Heave.

I thanked everyone with a bow as they left, leaving Heave and Akio behind. They remained seated, wearing serious expressions. While Akio's seriousness was expected, as he always appeared that way to me, Heave's seriousness was a new sight.

Heave addressed me sternly, "I suppose you're wondering why I asked you to do the presentation, yes?"

"Kind of. I mean, I'm just a Virtual Assistant Manager in my department. So why me?" I inquired.

"To be honest, there were supposed to be two presenters today, but the other person didn't show up," she revealed.

"And to answer your question, I'm looking for a Second Secretary. I have too much work to handle on my own due to certain reasons, so I need assistance, especially during business trips and other occasions," she explained.

"I asked you to present today not only because we're friends, but also because I've seen your intelligence and potential to be my secretary, or even hold a higher position. You're exactly what I need. For now, I'll wait for the CEO's report, which will come in two months since he's abroad. So, I want you to be on standby. Understood?" she stated.

"Will do, Ms. Singeman," I replied formally.

"Thank you for the wonderful presentation you delivered today, Ms. Akahoshi. I look forward to working with you as my Second Secretary for the success of the company," Heave remarked with a smile.

"Likewise," I responded.

Akio mouthed the words 'I'm proud of you' with a smile.

I smiled in return, grateful for his support and presence.

"We need to go, Alsei. I have another meeting to attend, and we have two more scheduled after this. We'll see you later during lunch time." informed me.

"Alright then. I'll be there." I agreed.

With that Heave and Akio made their way towards their next meeting, while I cleaned up and goes back to my office and continue doing my job.

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