CHAPTER 10.6: Taking Care of You

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Akio awoke, his senses slowly returning as he found himself in the comforting embrace of the infirmary. As he turned his head, his gaze fell upon the silhouette of a person standing by his bedside. His vision, still hazy, struggled to focus, but as the fog cleared, he recognized Alsei, her eyes filled with concern and affection.

"How are you feeling?" she inquired, her voice a soothing melody in the quiet room.

"A bit dizzy, but I'm fine," he replied, mustering a weak smile.

"Being dizzy is not fine, Akio," she gently scolded, her worry evident in her voice.

Suddenly, a surge of determination coursed through him, and he sat up abruptly, his mind flooded with thoughts of unfinished paperwork. He made an attempt to rise, but the dizziness overwhelmed him, causing him to lose his balance. In that moment of vulnerability, Alsei swiftly moved to catch him, her arms wrapping around him protectively, guiding him back to the comfort of the bed.

"Rest," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness and resolve.

"But the paperwork," he began, his voice filled with a hint of frustration.

"Worry about that later," she interjected, her words firm yet filled with a gentle understanding. "Right now, your priority is to get better."

As Akio sank back onto the bed, enveloped by the warmth of Alsei's presence, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her unwavering care and support.

"Here, drink this medicine. I hope it brings you relief and restores your health," Alsei tenderly offered, extending a small vial of medicine and a glass of water towards Akio.

Grateful for her care, Akio sat up cautiously, accepting the medicine and water from her delicate hands. As he swallowed the bitter liquid, Alsei's touch surprised him, her hands gently resting on his forehead, checking his temperature with a loving concern.

"Your fever is still high. Are you feeling cold?" Alsei inquired, her voice laced with worry.

"Just a little," Akio admitted, carefully placing the glass on the bedside table.

Alsei watched him intently, noticing the slight shivers that coursed through his body. Her skepticism evident in her voice and eyes, she pressed further, "Just a little? Are you sure?"

Realizing he couldn't hide the truth from her, Akio sighed and confessed, "Alright, I do feel cold." With a sigh of relief, he settled back onto the bed, allowing Alsei to drape a soft blanket over him.

"How does that feel?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

As he shook his head, still trembling from the chill, Alsei pondered how she could bring him warmth. Suddenly, a memory of her mother's comforting embrace when she felt cold flooded her mind, and a spark of inspiration ignited within her.

With a tender resolve, Alsei gracefully positioned herself beside Akio, her arms embracing him in a gentle and loving hold. The warmth of her body enveloped him, creating a comforting cocoon that chased away the chill that had settled within him.

"W-What are you doing?" Akio stammered, his voice tremulous and weak, surprised by Alsei's intimate gesture.

"Warming you up," Alsei whispered, her voice filled with unwavering affection. "Let me take care of you."

As she held him a little tighter, Akio felt a surge of emotions welling up within him.

As the warmth of Alsei's embrace enveloped him, Akio felt the cold that had gripped his body slowly dissipate. A contented sigh escaped his lips as he nestled himself closer to her, reciprocating the embrace with a gentle squeeze. The weariness that had weighed him down seemed to melt away, and he found solace in the safety of her arms. Gradually, he succumbed to the tranquility that washed over him, drifting into a peaceful slumber.

Three hours passed, and the sun had begun its descent, casting a warm glow across the room. Alsei, with a tender touch, gently roused Akio from his deep sleep. "Akio, it's time to go home," she whispered softly, her voice filled with affection.

Blinking his eyes open, Akio found Alsei standing by his bedside, accompanied by their loyal companions, Heave and Albert. Their smiles radiated warmth and love, melting away any remnants of his drowsiness. With a sudden surge of determination, he sat up swiftly, only to be met with a wave of dizziness that threatened to topple him.

"Careful," Alsei cautioned, her voice laced with gentle concern. Placing a comforting hand on his back and chest, she provided the support he needed to steady himself.

Slowly regaining his balance, Akio leaned on Alsei for stability, grateful for her unwavering presence.

"Thank you," Akio expressed his gratitude, his voice filled with sincerity, as he gazed into Alsei's eyes. Her sweet smile in response warmed his heart, a silent acknowledgement of the deep connection they had formed during their time together.

"We'll take it from here, Alsei. Thank you for taking care of him," Albert spoke with a gentle authority, offering his support to Akio as they prepared to leave the infirmary. His words carried a sense of appreciation and respect for Alsei's dedication. He extended an invitation, "You're welcome to visit him at our mansion if you'd like."

Alsei's smile widened, a reflection of her genuine happiness. She nodded gracefully, acknowledging the invitation, and replied, "Thank you, sir." Albert's hand gently rested on top of her head, a gesture that held a touch of familiarity and warmth. In that moment, Alsei's smile reminded him of his late wife, Seira, evoking bittersweet memories and a sense of longing.

Heave, observing the exchange, couldn't help but smile warmly, his heart filled with joy for his father's newfound happiness. The sight of Albert's hand on Alsei's head, a symbol of acceptance and affection, brought a sense of peace and contentment.

As they prepared to depart, Albert withdrew his hand, and together they began their journey home. Akio, supported by his uncle, turned to Alsei, bidding her farewell with a sweet smile. Alsei waved goodbye, her tender smile mirroring his, a silent promise of their continued connection.

Alsei returned to her own home, the weight of her emotions lingering within her. She freshened up and lay down on her bed, her gaze fixed upon the ceiling. Placing her hand over her chest, she felt a stirring within her, a growing feeling that she couldn't quite comprehend. It was a mixture of warmth, longing, and a newfound sense of purpose. As she contemplated these emotions, she decided to visit Akio tomorrow morning since its her dayoff from work.

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