CHAPTER 13: Revealing Truth

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"... Me," Albert revealed, his voice filled with a mix of reluctance and vulnerability as he shut his eyes tightly, unable to meet her gaze.

Silence filled the air, the weight of the truth sinking in. Nervousness and anticipation grew, emotions overflowing in the room.

Albert cautiously opened his eyes, peering through the slits to witness her reaction. What he saw took him by surprise. Alsei was crying, her eyes wide with disbelief as tears dripped onto the test result. Her mouth hung open in shock.

Without hesitation, Alsei ran towards Albert, embracing him tightly as tears streamed down her face. Her silent sobs filled the room, expressing a mix of emotions that words could not convey.

Albert, overwhelmed by her unexpected response, held her tightly, his own tears welling up. "I missed you, Dad," Alsei whispered softly, her voice filled with a longing that had haunted her for so long.

"Welcome home, Alli," Albert choked out, his voice filled with emotion as he held his daughter, finally reunited after years of separation.

Gently, Albert tilted Alsei's tear-streaked face towards him, wiping away her tears as he looked at her with a mixture of awe and love. "You're beautiful, just like your mother," he commented, his words filled with admiration and pride.

Alsei smiled at him, a soft and radiant expression that mirrored the love she felt for her father.

"Tell me, do you have many suitors?" Albert asked, attempting to lighten the mood.

Alsei paused for a moment, contemplating his question. "Suitors..." she mused, her voice filled with a sense of pride.

"I don't have suitors, Dad," she blurted out, a hint of confidence in her tone.

"Is that so?" Albert responded, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"But I do have one man in mind," Alsei added, her words carrying a sense of certainty and affection.

"This 'man' you speak of, do you love him?" Albert asked, his voice filled with paternal concern .

In response, Alsei offered a gesture that she knew both Albert and Heave would understand, a gesture that spoke volumes about the depth of her feelings.

'There's that gesture again, she does that every time we talk about him,' Heave thought, amused by Alsei's familiar gesture.

"That much, I see. Have you told him yet?" Albert asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"I haven't, not yet. I'm not sure if he feels the same way," Alsei replied softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I'm sure he does, Alli," Albert reassured her, his voice filled with confidence.

"Really?!" Alsei exclaimed, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes.

"Yes, because a woman like you, with all your qualities, isn't hard to love. I'm sure this man loves you just as much as you love him," Albert assured her, building her confidence.

Alsei's courage grew, and she suddenly asked with a burst of bravery, "May I kiss him?"

"Sure, just not in front of me, dear," Albert responded, feeling a bit embarrassed by the question.

Heave couldn't help but burst into laughter at Alsei's bold question. "I'm sure that man is blushing intensely right now," she teased, her laughter filling the room.

Albert joined in the laughter, well aware of who the man in question was. Akio, who seemed unfazed by the question, was internally blushing intensely, his heart racing at the thought of Alsei's boldness and the prospect of kissing.

"Alsei Singeman. That will be your name from now on," Albert declared, his tone serious yet gentle, affirming Alsei's place in the family.

"Welcome to the family, Alsei!" Heave cheered, enveloping her sister in a warm embrace, her excitement and love radiating from her.

"You will be the next heir of the company," Albert revealed, his voice filled with pride and confidence in Alsei's abilities.

"What? But what about Heave? She's been here before me," Alsei expressed, her doubts and concerns surfacing.

"Don't worry, Alsei. I have no interest in becoming the next CEO. That would mean more work for me," Heave reassured her, a smile on her face. "Besides, I'm adopted."

"Eh? You're adopted!" Alsei blurted out, shocked by the revelation.

"Yes, I'm sorry I haven't told you," Heave apologized, her voice filled with sincerity.

"It's okay. I'm glad to be your sister," Alsei responded, her heart filled with happiness and acceptance.

In that moment, Albert pulled both of his daughters into a tight embrace, his gratitude for their presence overwhelming him. He gestured for Akio to join the hug, and he willingly stepped forward, his face blushing at the trust placed upon him.

"I trust you, Kio," Albert whispered, his words filled with a mix of appreciation and confidence.

Akio's heart swelled with happiness and a sense of responsibility. He knew exactly what his uncle meant, and he was determined to live up to the trust that had been bestowed upon him.

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