CHAPTER 06: The News and Preparation

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"When will 'soon' be?" Akio asked, his voice filled with shock and curiosity.

"Most likely within the next one to two days," Heave responded, her tone serious and resolute.

Alsei tilted her head, "So, you're going to inform him about me being your second secretary?" she asked, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, Alsei. He will probably summon you to his office and ask you some questions. But don't worry, we will be there to support you every step of the way," Heave reassured her.

"Are you feeling nervous, Alsei?" Heave inquired, sensing a mix of emotions in her.

"Normally, I should be, but surprisingly, I feel unexpectedly calm," Alsei replied, her hand instinctively clutching her chest.

Heave playfully teased, "Does being with him help you find that sense of calm, Alsei?"

Alsei's innocent expression revealed her confusion as she asked, "Being with whom? With Akio?"

As the conversation unfolded, Alsei's mind wandered to the moments she had spent with Akio. The connection between them had grown stronger, and she couldn't deny the comfort she found in his presence.

Heave glanced at Akio, observing his reaction, before turning her attention back to Alsei. "Yes, him," she confirmed with a knowing smile.

"Of course," Alsei responded, her voice filled with confidence. Akio couldn't help but blush, averting his gaze and covering half of his face with his hand, resembling a ripe tomato.

Heave sighed inwardly, realizing the effect Alsei's words and presence had on Akio. She thought to herself, "Oh, Alsei, if only you knew how much you affect him. This poor man beside me is on the verge of losing his mind from blushing so much."

Shifting gears to work mode, Heave addressed the upcoming return of the CEO. "Regarding the CEO's return, I will hold a meeting to welcome him. Akio, please send an email to everyone in the company, informing them that there will be an assembly in the Reception Hall in two hours. Alsei, this includes you," she instructed, her tone serious.

"Noted, Ms. Singeman," both Akio and Alsei responded in unison.

Alsei hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Um, would it be alright if I assist Akio with the preparations?" she asked Heave.

"If he doesn't mind, then yes, you may," Heave replied. She then turned her attention to Akio. "But before anything else, go and get yourself checked to ensure you have no other injuries. Take Alsei with you," she commanded.

"I'm already fine, Heave. Don't worry," Akio stubbornly insisted.

The atmosphere suddenly grew chilly, and Akio felt a sense of intimidation and fear as he looked at Heave. "O-okay, alright, I'll go to the infirmary later. Calm down," he nervously responded.

"Good," Heave said, her demeanor calming down as she left the room.

"Wow, I never knew she had such a dominant side," Alsei remarked, surprised by Heave's assertiveness.

"That's nowhere near the most terrifying side of her," Akio replied, still a bit nervous but managing to calm himself.

"The most terrifying side?" Alsei inquired curiously.

"You'll see. Anyways, are you sure you want to help me? It's going to be tiring," Akio indirectly hinted that he didn't want her to help.

"That's exactly why I want to help you. I don't want you to get too tired. Besides, this is my way of repaying your kindness from earlier," Alsei explained, a sweet smile gracing her lips.

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