CHAPTER 14: Embracing Happiness and A Place to Call Home

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"Oh, that's a great idea! What about moving in with us, sis?" Heave suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Eh? But I have to pack, and that would take more than three days," Alsei replied, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought.

"Don't worry, Alli. I'll take care of everything. When you come home with us, all your things will already be at the mansion," Albert assured her, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

Heave leaned closer to Alsei, whispering playfully, "That way, you'll get to see him more often," causing Alsei's cheeks to blush a rosy hue.

"In the meantime, let's all take a moment to rest," Albert suggested, pointing towards the comfortable couches in the room.

Alsei settled onto the spacious couch, with Akio sitting beside her. Heave found a spot on the single couch, while Albert made arrangements with the moving agency for Alsei's belongings.

"I think I'll take a nap," Heave declared, placing a blindfold over her eyes.

"Goodnight," Alsei greeted her with a smile.

"Goodnight," Heave replied, her voice filled with a sense of contentment.

As Alsei settled into a state of daydreaming, her thoughts filled with the possibilities that the future held. She had found her father, gained a wonderful sister, and had the love of her life by her side. She wondered what adventures and happiness awaited them next.

Lost in her thoughts, Alsei felt Akio's head gently resting on her shoulder, his breathing steady as he dozed off. She couldn't help but smile at his peaceful sleeping face, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on top of his, finding comfort and serenity in their shared embrace.

Albert, filled with a deep sense of happiness and contentment, gazed fondly at the three most important people in his life as they rested from a long and eventful day. The warmth of their presence filled his heart, and he knew in that moment that they had truly found a place to call home.


Two hours later, Heave gently woke Alsei, informing her that her belongings had been successfully transferred to the mansion. They could now go home together.

"That was fast," Alsei remarked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Um, Sis," Heave whispered, her gaze directed towards Alsei's arms. Alsei followed her sister's gaze and realized that Akio is already awake and her arms were still wrapped around his neck, preventing him from sitting up. Flustered, she quickly released her hold and blushed intensely, covering her face in embarrassment.

Heave couldn't contain her laughter, finding her sister's reaction utterly adorable. Albert smiled warmly at his daughters, cherishing the lighthearted moment.

"Heaven, I know it's amusing, but please refrain from teasing your sister too much. We wouldn't want her to wish to become a wall," Albert gently scolded, his voice filled with affectionate concern.

Alsei's embarrassment slowly subsided, her cheeks still flushed with a rosy hue.

Akio couldn't help but find Alsei's changing expressions amusing, his eyes filled with adoration as he observed her reactions.

However, Albert gently interrupted the delightful moment, reminding them that it was time to head home.

They settled into the car and began their journey towards the Singeman Residence. Akio gallantly escorted the two women out of the car, his smile mirroring Alsei's as she returned the gesture. As Alsei stepped out of the car, her eyes widened in awe. Before her stood a magnificent mansion, its grandeur captivating her senses. The sprawling garden surrounding the estate added to the beauty of the scene.

Her admiration for the place was momentarily interrupted as she noticed her new family standing before her, their warm smiles welcoming her with open arms.

"Welcome home, Alsei," they greeted her in unison, their voices filled with genuine happiness and love.

In that moment, flashes of her past flickered through her mind. The hardships she had endured, the obstacles she had overcome. All the negative emotions that once burdened her now dissipated, replaced by a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she responded with a quivering voice, "I'm home!" Her words carried the weight of her journey, the gratitude she felt for the love and support that surrounded her.

Embraced by her new family, Alsei knew that she had finally found a place where she truly belonged.

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