Oh my Leah.

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This is about Leah being on anesthesia from a scar she had and Walker is laughing his butt off! Enjoy!

*Leah's POV*
Me and Walker are playing at the park with my mom. We've been absolutely crazy! I learned how to do a backflip off of a table like Walker. Of course, he taught me. I decided to do one on my own without anyone looking. When I did, the first time I landed it. I did it again and I hit my head as I went down. "Oww!" I yelled as I fell down. Walker and my mom came running over to me. I tried to ignore the pain but, it began to grow tremendously. "Leah! Leah, what's wrong?" Walker asked me worriedly. "Leah, talk to me, baby." My mom said. But the pain was just too much. Tears started rolling down my face. "It hurts so bad!" I said as I continued hold on my head. I started to feel dizzy and I just blacked out.

*Walker's POV*
I've never felt so proud of Waleah magic. I taught Leah how to backflip. One of her greatest fears. Her mom recorded it as I spotted her. She was like a pro. Her mom showed me the pictures as Leah played on the swings. When we were watching, I heard Leah yell. My heart dropped to the bottom of my lungs as I skipped a breath and a beat.

When I ran over to her, her eyes were squeezed shut as she gripped her head and groaned painfully. "Leah! Leah, what's wrong?!" I asked her with worry. "Leah, talk to me, baby." Her mom said calmly. "It hurts so bad!" She sobbed. She started to stop moving. "Leah. Stay with me." Her mom said. Then, she just fell back as we caught her. She had a deep scar on the side of her head. "Oh God." Her mom said as she looked at the scar. "We're gonna have to take her to the hospital." She said sadly. "Oh." She said she looked away. I think the blood made her stomach turned. We picked her up and took her to the emergency room.

(Time Skip)
They put her on anesthesia and she woke up soon after.

*3rd Person* (A different style)
Leah slowly and drowsily woke up. Walker's smile appeared and he held her hand.

Walker: "Hey, Leah."

Leah: "Percyyy!" She said drowsily.

Walker: *chuckle* "No, it's Walker." *gets phone out*

Leah: "Oh, hey babyyyy." *stretches*

Walker: "Hi, princess. How do you feel?"

Leah: "Grrreat!" *looks like the tiger from the cereal*

Walker: You are, aren't you? *laughing*

Leah: "What's so funny about meeee?" *with a drowsy grin*

Walker: "Nothing baby girl."

Leah: "Walker?"

Walker: "Yes, love bug?"

Leah: "You are so cutesie patoosie!" *a quick dance celebration*

Walker: *chuckles* "You are too."

Leah: "Walker?"

Walker: "Yes, Bebe."

Leah: "Where is my mother? I listen to heeer." she sings.

Walker: *cracking up* "She's..." *laughs* "She's using the bathroom."

Leah: "Is she pooping?!" *raises eyebrows, eyes still closed*

Walker: "No.." *snicker* "No, she's not, Pumpkin."

Leah: "Oh."

She opens her eyes and falls back, closing her eyes, droopily sticking out her tounge. Then, she props up with her eyes closed and laughs drowsily.

Leah: "You thought I was dead. Heh heh." *points at Walker*

She did again.

Leah: "You. You-you..." *deep breath* "You... You thought I was dead again." *laughs droopily*

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