You Again

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— 's Not our worst show I have to say. — Evan'geline gently nudged Rajeem in hopes of pulling him from his thoughts and getting a conversation started as they walked to the graveyard.

— Hm? Sorry... you were saying? — there was a bit of a wince at the nudge and she frowned

— Are you hurt Jeem? I'm not much of a healer but there are a couple of things I know.

He just shook his head and gave her his polite smile, the one that usually was the end to every conversation, — I'm ok, just a little sore. — she sighed in response and turned back to the path they were walking, she never hid her disappointment in his dismissiveness and this time he felt a little guilty, his shoulder was hurting and itching, and his whole body felt strange but he decided to push that aside for now and just indulge in small talk, — I didn't know Evan and you could fuse like that.

The way her eyes lit up was almost painful to him, how she turned and started telling him about it as if she was one of those dolls that you pulled a cord and would speak. — It's new! Ok, not like today new, but recent! You see, one day I was traveling alone and there was a group of low-tier road thieves and I didn't feel like fighting, I just wanted to give them a really good scare and Evan just told me to hug him and I was like "okayy weird" but I did it anyway and I got taller and felt like strange, my skin felt woody and as if my elbows and knees were suddenly double jointed and I felt lighter than air, and there was this dark menacing aura emanating from me that made those suckers run away.

He chuckled lightly at her excitement, surprised by how desensitized he was to her unsettling creepiness or did he just overlook it because they had known each other for so long now? He wouldn't dare to delve into such thoughts and just looked at the motley crew that had gathered around them, she did so as well, though she was grateful for that conversation, Evan'geline had learned to also enjoy their silences, it took me a bit though, she thought.

— You again? — I remembered the exasperated groan I made at the stoic and poised pale frame that almost bumped into me as I tried to find a place to perform in exchange for shelter that night.

— Pardon? — he took a step back and held the door open for this stranger who seemed to know him and was annoyed at him for some reason.

— Raspberry was it? — I stood before him, offended that he didn't seem to recall who I was so I tried to feign I didn't remember him either, and failing miserably, I could hear my friend's voice in my head poking fun at my miserable attempt.

— What do you mean? oh, my apologies. — he said graciously while moving to the side to let someone else through and just stepped outside and stood next to the door.

By this point, I was red in the face from sheer embarrassment who did he think he was!? — Are you performing here? — I asked impatiently and just hoped he was leaving for another kingdom or planet for all I cared.

He looked at me a bit confused and then the recognition finally went from the back of his brain to his eyes with a small "oh" to his stupid little perfect lips — My apologies, Evangeline right? Long time no see.

I slightly groaned, gods why was he so annoying?! But I've been traveling for a while and this was the only tavern in town that hired performers, and I think he had already claimed this place for himself — Yes! How kind of you to finally remember, honestly, so rude.

— I'm sorry it's been a while since I last saw you.

— Only three months, but whatever, I'm looking for a place to perform and I heard this one was the only one that did that kind of deal, but you already took it so I guess I'll have to go to the next town. — I huffed at the idea of actually having to do that but I was hoping the guilt trip would take effect and he would step down and maybe go away.

—Oh I'm just a patron, so the floor is yours, now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to tend to. — I watched him leave, probably with my jaw on the floor, by Gods he was annoying.

It was my lucky day though, not only were they looking for entertainment but they were willing to pay for each performance in silver on top of offering a nice enough room, it would be wonderful to have a warm meal for a change. My first performance was okay, maybe I was a little rusty and some people were more disturbed than impressed, usually, that wasn't a problem but some of the town's children were there and I made them cry, how annoying.

— Here's your pay young man, umm... I know you have a solo act but... maybe think about adding some music, some people were saying that the show was... plain. — The inn keep, a barrel of a man who had a head so white, bald, and shiny it put pearls to shame and with whiskers so abundant that they hid his top lip completely and moved every time he spoke.

I had to control my temper, plain, PLAIN, my show? How dare they! I cleared my throat and tried to look as poised as I could though — I'll see what I can do.

While walking away with my mind clouded with rage I found myself at Rajeem's door, it had worked before after all, it made sense, but what of my nonexistent pride? Well, it was nonexistent for a reason, I had to keep this job for a while and this was the only way, so I knocked.

It took a few hours but they took care of the bodies and graves while they were met by a golden Dragonborn that looked as old as time, he was unsettlingly chipper when he saw the two bodies and guided them to the two graves he had already dug up — I'm glad I got it right hehe. — he told Abel while the ginger let out a small awkward giggle.

There was something about Abel that made him look so much like a child, his nervousness, his jumpiness when someone touched him or called his name, "poor thing" thought Evan'geline while turning her attention to his friend that had arrived recently, he was handsome, in a rugged way but all of his attractiveness melted away the second him and the burly woman exchanged glue for him to sniff and get high.

— Please don't enable that. — Evan'geline grumbled as the half-elf pocketed the small polished wood jar.

— It's ok is just a little glue, and speaking of it, is it possible I could get a closer look at your doll? — the woman stepped closer to her and it took every muscle in her body not to recoil immediately, no one ever wanted to be close to Evan, let alone touch him. —I'm a woodworker and I can see he's a little worse for wear, so I could polish him so he is in tip-top shape.

Eve could hear a displeased shriek in the back of her mind that made her almost wince, — Look I try to take care of him as best as I can, and he doesn't like to be touched by others, so if you could just... teach me, I would appreciate it.

She saw, all the heads turned to her when she said that, of course, to her Evan is so much more, but everyone just sees a wooden puppet, still the woman didn't bat an eye and raised her hands in sign of surrender, — Sorry, didn't mean to overstep, here. — she took another of those jars but this one was a bit flat and wider. — It's wood wax, you can use it to polish him with a rag and he'll look dazzling. — she smiled wide.

— I already am dazzling. — there he was, that deep gurgling and airy voice in the back of her head, she chuckled in relief to know he was still there. 

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