Chapter 21.

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1 Month Later...


It has been precisely one month since I last had any interaction with Tara. As her doctor, I saw her only a week ago, but nothing significant happened during the appointment. We made some adjustments to her cast to give her more mobility, but her diagnosis has remained unchanged since the incident.

However, her mental state has seemed to improve, and whether it was out of embarrassment or regaining her sanity, we don't talk about the words we previously shared. Especially now that things with the Sons have become increasingly worse.

I was out with Mark when I saw the news, that there was an APB put out on Jax, Tig, and Chibs. My jaw fell open when I saw the severity of the case, and the amount of attention it had garnered. Charming was a small town, this much attention was a huge deal to everyone, and I knew that Tara was feeling the heat.

Almost everyone in the hospital was talking about it, and I knew she'd heard the gossip that had been circulating her name. I did start to feel bad for her because I knew she was crumbling under the weight of it all. I know, I've been exactly where she was, trying to put on a brave face for everyone, while simultaneously wishing you were anywhere but here.

Any sane person would just up and leave, but to everyone's shock, Tara returned with a ring on her finger. I thought the ring was only to show solidarity for Jax, but Clara had shared with me that Tara was now the new Mrs. Teller. Clara's brother works down at the courthouse and had ironically been the one to verify the marriage license.

I couldn't decide if the news shocked me or worried me, because I couldn't understand why she thought now would be a good time to tie the knot with Jax. The man was facing criminal charges and his face was plastered all over the news, I could hardly understand the motive.

That was until I was unlucky enough to walk past the nursery. Now, don't be confused, I'm still childless, but Clara's niece was in there, and I was bringing her lunch. Lucia was a sweet little angel, who was only four years old and would talk your head off if you let her. She didn't visit town often since she lived in North Carolina, but when she did, she was spoiled rotten by Clara and me.

When she asked me to bring her a kid's meal for lunch, I happily obliged. However, my mood changed when I stood in line behind Gemma and witnessed her confusion about not being put on the list to see her grandkids.

"Sorry, only the father has access," the worker informed her.

"Excuse me?" Gemma sassed.

"You have to be on the list," the worker stuttered as she explained. "You can have his mom sign a consent form." The worker tried to keep a positive attitude even when Gemma snatched the paper from her begrudgingly.

I tried not to say a word, even when Gemma made eye contact with me. She stood there for a bit as the worker let me in to drop off Lucia's food, and then proceeded to inform me on how she was getting along with the other kids.

I could tell she was fuming, but I tried my best not to get involved. That fight didn't have my name on it, that was clearly a Tara problem. Although now I understand why Tara went on to make her relationship with Jax legal, she had complete power over the boys while Jax was away. Which meant, Gemma was at her mercy.

It was a brilliant plan, but I knew that Gemma wouldn't take that lying down. So, when I saw her talking with Wendy, I knew that the Queen of Charming was on a manipulation spree.

I'd known Gemma long enough to see that she preys on the innocent with half-truths and empty promises. She makes you believe that she is on your side and that she is your best bet at getting the results you want. I finally learned her game during my first year with Jax, and we've bumped heads ever since.

Being in the club, Gemma hardly met women who could outsmart her. As sad as that sounds, a lot of women idolized Gemma because she was the matriarch of the club. She was married to John and that established her importance early on.

This is part of the reason why I think she was able to push Wendy towards Jax, while we were still married. Wendy is easily manipulated, and she was also heavily sheltered from the truth even though she spent time as a croweater. She was the perfect puppet in Gemma's eyes, and it's sad to see that Gemma can still pull the strings.

Tara, however, is a lot smarter and cunning. I would even argue that she is just as manipulative as Gemma. Which is a trait I lacked. I'm not manipulative, I don't care to play the game. I'm more straight to the point, no gimmicks. I catch you in a lie, I expose you right then and there. But perhaps, that is what makes Tara better for Jax's life. Because despite all the things that go on with the club, Gemma is a constant battle she is going to fight every day. I'd just hate to see what happens if she loses.

I shook my head at the thought and continued to work on my paperwork. That is until my phone began to ring from a number I did not recognize. I was curious as to who it could be, and I answered the phone.


"Hello, my name is Dr. Thornbush, I'm calling from the Stockton Prison facility."

My eyes widened and I pulled the phone away to look at the number again. Surely, this had to be a mistake.

"I'm sorry, where are you calling from?"

"Stockton. Is this Dr. Thatcher?"

"Yes, to what do I owe this call?"

"I'm calling on behalf of a patient, Opie Winston. He is being airlifted to your hospital now, he was in a terrible fight at the prison." My eyes continued to widen the more he spoke. "Opie has a skull fracture that may have been due to being hit with a metal object. We were going to airlift him to the hospital nearby, but given his injury and your success with these cases, I thought it was best to send him over to you."

"Oh!" I leaped from my chair and began to shove on my shoes that I had slipped off. I doubt anyone had been informed yet, so I can imagine that I looked like a crazy person running out of my office.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Clara running down the hall toward me, and I knew that she had just received word as well. The clock was ticking, and I believe Thornbush's call was nothing short of a courtesy.

"Thank you for informing me Dr. Thornbush. Is there anything else I should know before his arrival?"

I heard rustling in the background and slowed my steps to hear him more clearly. "Listen carefully Dr. Thatcher, I am calling you from a personal phone. Something is troubling about how this man contracted this injury. I can't go into too much detail, but if I were you, I would remove anyone else that came here with him."

My heart beat loudly in my chest, and Clara stopped running to look back at me. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach at the thought of Jax, Tig, and Chibs ending up in the same predicament as Opie or worse.

Thornbush hung up the phone, so I was left frozen in time as my mind raced. It wasn't until I heard the sound of the helicopter from the rooftop that I finally jumped back into action again.

"What happened?! What is it?!" Clara asked frantically.

Breathlessly I told her, "Call Tara."

"What? Why?" Clara's face scrunched up at the request.

"C, call Tara," I repeated, "it's an emergency."

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