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Sat and Sunday went asual.haiders family and zayyan family went out for outing then they went for dinner.

Monday morning:(PTA meeting)

Zaayan and jannat come to school along with kids.innara went to her class.the couple first went to saahir's class.they showed  paper.the marks were not bad.he scored 75 altogether out of 100 marks of 10 tests.jannat was talking to his class teacher

Jannat: how is he doing in class maam??

Teacher: he is doing good but I would suggest him to put more effort into scoring more marks in term exams. today he apologized to the kid whom he cursed and I am very happy to see that he realised his mistake.he is a good child.

Jaanat: thank you maam.they exits saahir class.

Zaayan: zayyan your marks are good beta.i hope you will do good in your term exams(kids his forehead)

Saahir: yes baba.(Happily)

Jaanat:you did good by apologizing to the kid whom you cursed!!!

Saahir: baba told me in the morning to do so if I realised my mistake.

They went to rayyan's class.rayyan was sitting in his class scared of the complaints that his teacher will do to his parents.the teacher gave them the papers of rayyan.he also scored good enough.72 out of 100.they went to talk to his class teacher.

Teacher: I was waiting to talk to you only mr and mrs khan.

Jaanat: how is he doing in class maam??.

Teacher: in test he have done good but his behaviour is very bad.

Zaayan: what did he do??

Teacher: if we ask him any questions that he doesn't know then he gives back answers to the teacher.yesterday only his maths teacher asked him table of 7 so he said all wrong when she scolded him he misbehaved with her..

Zaayan was about to interrupt but Zaayan glares at him and he immediately looks down.

Teacher:three days back..in my lecture he was sleeping when I woke him up he started his misbehavior.

Jaanat: I am sorry on his behalf maam.i assure you he won't repeat this.

Teacher: he was not like this earlier from last few weeks he has been behaving like this.

Zaayan: dont worry maam I will make sure that you won't get the chance to complain.

Teacher nods and they exits the class.
They walk towards the car.the boys sat in the car.yhe couple were about to sit but haider called zayyan on his phone.he took the call and gestured jannat to sit in car.

In the car(except zayaan)

Jaanat: how many times your baba have asked you not to misbehave with anyone raayan??

Raayan: mumma i am sorry.i wont do this again.

Jaanat: your baba will make sure of that!!!

Raayan got scared and his eyes filled with tears.zayyan entered in the car and saw that rayyan was crying.

Zayyan: save your tears rayyan.you can shed them at home(angrily)

Raayan started crying loudly.

Jannat: rayyan stop with your crying(loudly)

Hearing his mother's angry voice he stopped crying but the hiccups and sobs didn't stop.they reached home.jannat went to her house along with kids and zayyan went to park his car.jannay sat on sofa along with saahir.rayaan was standing in the hall being scared.

After 5 mins zayyan entered the house.zayyan walked towards rayyan and slapped him on his cheeks.saahir also got scared seeing his baba angry and went to his room.this time jannat didn't try to stop zayyan knowing that rayyan misbehavior are increasing with each passing day.rayyan started crying and kept his hand on his cheeks.

Zaayan; remove your hand from your face.(Angrily)

Raayan: na baba ...plea...se I am sorry!!!

When rayyan doesn't take his hand down from the face.zayyan holds him and smacks his butt.


Rayyan tries to get out Of his father's grip but couldn't.

Zaayan: stop moving otherwise I will increase your punishment!!(Sternly)

He landed two more smacks on his butt


Zayaan left him and he started crying loudly.he ran to his mother and hug her.jannat take him in his embrace.

Jannat: stop crying rayyan.you got beating because you deserved that.you baba told you many times not to do any kind of misbehaviour but no .you didn't listen he warned you,he hit you with belt also but no effect!!

Zaayan: leave your mother and stand in front of me!!(Sternly)

Raayan didn't leave his mother.


He immediately lest his mother and stood in front of zayyan.

Zayyan: go to your room and change.after changing I should find you kneeling in the hall by holding your ears and facing the wall for straight 45 mins . In the evening you will be writing an apology letter to your class teacher and your maths teacher for your misbehavior.One more complain from your school and you won't be spared, remember that!!!

Zayaan said and went to his room.jaanat took rayyan in her embrace.

Jannat: you know that you deserved this punishment.right???

Raayan nods his head while shedding tears.

Jannat took him in his room to give him shower.raayan removes his clothes.jannat look at his butt where zayyan hit him.it was slightly red.jannat gave him a bath and make him wear his clothes.

***************************************Was zayyan harsh with with rayyan??

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