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Rayyan's POV

Today I went to the park sneaking out for which I got punished from my baba.i was upset at my mumma because she didn't try to save me from Baba's punishment but I know seeing me getting beaten up must have made her sad. I am worried right now because I know baba is angry with me.i want to apologise to him.when mumma came to give me lunch I told her that I am angry at her but also soon as she called me Mera bacha all my anger went away. For the first time my baba used cane on me. i know baba I he must be feeling bad after hitting me but I forced him to do so.even after his so many warnings I done the things that baba dislikes. He did beat me really hard but I am thankful that he didn't hit on my bare bottom.it must be so embarrassing to get hit on your bare butt. but I know baba won't hesitate to do that also.it will not be hard for him to pull my pants down and make my butt sore.i hope it never happens!!!mumma gave me lunch but I was not willing to have it so I just slept.

End of rayyan's POV

Inaara POV

Baba hit me today for the first time.even though I know I am wrong but I am angry at him.i am his princess how could he beat me that too with cane. On top of that ,he made me knell down by holding ears.i cried but it didn't affect her. I won't talk to him ever!!!

End of inaara POV

Author POV

In evening kids wake up from sleep.aftet waking up inaara and saahir went to their room where rayyan was sitting while thinking something.the two got fresh and went down.rayyan was still in his room.jannat went to look upon him.she saw that the food she kept for his son is kept untouched.

Jannat: rayyan why did you not have your lunch???

Rayyan: I am not hungry(sadly)

Jannat: i know you are hungry but you are upset that's why not having your food.have it rayu.

Rayyan: mumma I don't want to eat anything please!!

Jannat sighed and went to the hall where her husband was working on his laptop.she went near him and sat beside her.

Jannat: zai did you have your lunch??

Zayyan nodded his head.(He lied)

Jaanat: don't lie!!!

Jannat: your son is also like you only he also didn't have his lunch.

Zayyan: so that means I was right

zayyan knew his son won't eat until and unless he will be satisfied that his baba forgave him and for the same reason zayyan didn't have lunch and made a excuse of work

Jannat:  hmm...

Time skip to dinner.

Zaayan was sitting on sofa waiting for rayyan.saahir and inaara came for dinner.

Jannat: your brother didn't come?

Saahir: no he said he is not hungry!!

Zaayan stood up from sofa listening to saahir's word and went to rayyan.when zayyan entered the room he saw rayyan lying the bed with duvet over him.
Zaayan sat besides him.rayyan didn't feel his presence so zayyan caressed his hair lovingly.rayyan opened his eyes and immediately sat straight on bed seeing his baba.

Zaayan: why didn't you come down for dinner?

Rayyan: I was not hungry baba!!(Sadly)

Zaayan: you didn't have your lunch?? Why??

Rayyan didn't reply just kept looking down.

Zayyan: because of you even I didn't have my lunch!!


Zayyan: how could I had my lunch when my son is upset and hungry??(Kissed his both palma where he hit earlier)

Rayyan's eyes started filling with tears.

Zayyan: are you upset because I beat you that's why you skipped your food??

Raayan immediately shooks his head.

Zaayan: then why??

Raayan: you were angry with me that's why I was not willing to have anything.( With a heavy voice with indicates that he may cry anytime)

After a min he again said

Raayan: I know I did mistake and I deserved all the beatings that I got from you.i shouldn't have sneaked out..I should have listened to my mumma.

He kept his head on his Baba's shoulder.he kept and hisntears started talking on zayyan's shoulder.zayyan felt wetness on his shoulder and said.

Zaayan:i punished you both because you should know that sneaking out is wrong.today you went to near by park but if I would have let it go then tomorrow you guys might to other places which are not allowed. Do you know when a child goes Somewhere without informing how much a mother gets panicked and worried.today saahir knew where you both went so he informed your mother but if saahir wouldn't have known then do you have any idea how much your mother would have got worried??

Rayyan continued crying.

Zayyan: i told you many times that I don't like beating you all but I do because you all force me to do so.i don't want my kids to become brat. Even now I am saying this if you will do something that you aren't allowed then I will do the same thing what I did today and I am sure you would do that again.

Rayyan: I am sorry baba(looked at his baba with tears)

Zaayan wiped his tears and said.

Zayyan: now come and have your food.(Kissed his forehead)

Rayyan: you forgave me??

Zayyan: Haan rayyan...I did!!

Rayyan hoga his father tightly and said

Raayan: you know baba you are best. Whenever we do something wrong ,you beat us,scold and punish us but i know you feel bad!!you shouldn't ever feel bad because you have got all the rights to hit us but I have a request!!

Zayyan: what??

Raayan: you can hit me however you want but please never hit on my butt that to bare bottom.

Zayyan chuckles

Zayyan: why??

Raayan: what why???how much embarrassing it must be looking when you will pull down my pants and beat me on my butt!!!(Annoyed)

Zaayan: I have seen you without clothes many times so why are you embarrassed now??(Chuckled)

Raayan: because now I am big baba(irritated)

Zaayan: ok my big man now come let's have food I am also hungry!!!(Laughed)

Rayyan: baba why are you laughing it will be really embarrassing!!

They both went down while laughing.

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