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Five years later

In these five years nothing has changed.kids are always troublemakers as before.the boys get in trouble always whereas inaara doesn't get in trouble very much. 2 years back zayyan and jannat appointed a home tutor for them.tutor name is aiman.the tutor comes at from 6 to 8 to teach them.

today it's Monday and kids have returned from school at 1: 30. Currently they are in their room.zayyan as usual went to his office.jannat is preparing food for her children.after changing their uniform kids came to the hall.

In the hall:

Jannat set the lunch on the dining table and everyone sat down for having lunch.
After lunch kids started doing their school and tuition homework.

Jannat: inaara show me your school notebooks.(Jannat checked her school books if everything is completed or not)

After checking innara school book she took saahir homework book.

Jannat: saahir .why is handwriting so bad in tuition books whereas in school books you write in a better handwriting.

Saahir: mumma it's good only!!

Jannat: okay then I will tell your baba to check your homework book.

Saahir: no no I will write in good handwriting now!!!(Scared)

Jannat: you don't understand anything until and unless I don't threaten about complaining to your baba!!

Saahir: so don't you know baba??If you complain about me to Baba then he will beat me. .

Jannat: now start studying before I slap you!!

Saahir:always scolding and beating (slowly)

Jaanat: Teri harkatein hi maar khane wali hoti hain!!abb padhai shuru kar isse pehle tere baba ko call lagadu!!(Warned)

Saahir:.I am studying only.(Whispered.slowly.that nobody could hear)

Jannat took rayyan's school book and after 5 mins of checking his book she held his ears and.gave it a firm twist.
Rayyan hiss in pain!!

Raayan: mumma leave my ear it's paining !!!what did I do???

Jannat: why is your book incomplete??

Raayan: I was absent on that day!!

Jannat: it is 15 days back.it should have been completed by now.a week ago also I reminded you to complete your book then why is it not completed??(Leaves his ears and he rubs his ears)

Raayan: i asked my friend but he was also not having notes!!

Jannat: so you could have taken that from saman she is also in your class only na then??

Rayyan: I forgot to take from her!!

Jannat: rayyan don't make excuses otherwise I won't take a min to complain to your baba .you know very well he doesn't take any excuse regarding studies.

Rayyan: i will take from saman and complete it.

Jannat: if you want to get your butt sore by your baba then it should be completed by today itself.

Rayyan: mumma now I am big you guys can't beat on my butt(annoyed)

Jannat: we can and if you have any doubt then don't complete your book and then see what happens!!!

Rayyan: now only I will complete.

He replied while remembering his first time when he got beating on his bare bottom. he was 11 at that time.he had a fought with his friend and he cursed him in school.so.zayyan got a call from his school. He got very angry. after returning from school he took rayyan to his room and pulled down his pants and gave him smacks.after that day he got beating on his bare bottom for 6 to 7 times till today.not only rayyan but saahir also got the same beating many times. Rayyan knows that his baba will not hesitate doing this again so he went to saman's house immediately to borrow her books.he came back with book and started completely his books along with homeworks.

It was 4:30 when the kids completed their homework.they took a rest for sometime and started watching tv .at 6pm aiman came to teach them.

Indrawing room:
Rayyan and inaara were learning.saahir was giving his test that aiman informed him 4 days back .he was not able to give test properly because he did not study.aiman took his test book to check at 6:50.she checked and it all fully blank only one or two answers were written that to wrong.

Aiman: saahir what is this??I told you about test 4 days back why did you not study??

Saahir: i forgot to study.(Lied as in these 4 days jannat reminded him many times and yesterday night he said that he is prepared for the test when jannat asked him)

Aiman: saahir this is not an excuse.rayyan go and call your mother please..

Jannat in her room.rayyan went to her and called her.she came down along with rayyan.before they could reach drawing room the door bell rang.jannat opened the door and zayyan entered.jannatb told rayyan to go in drawing room she is coming in a mins.zayyan asked where is she going.

Zayyan: where are you going??

Jannat: drawing room aiman is calling me !!

Zaayan: come I am also coming.

They both enter the drawing room. Seeing zayyan along with jannat saahir got a scared.
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