Catching Up

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The final bell for the day finally rang after what felt like forever. A loud clamor grew as everyone got up from their seats, and ran into the halls. Of course, the usual constant hallway chatter started up once again.

Dogday got up from his own seat, grabbing his stuff for the day. Catnap of course did the same, although somewhat lazily.

"It's gonna take us forever to get out, isn't it?"

Catnap groaned, watching the countless number of students walking through the halls. It seemed to never end.

"Nope! I know a quick way out! Follow me!"

Dogday eagerly grabbed Catnap's hands, nearly sprinting out the room without warning.

Catnap felt his body drag a little towards Dogday's, admittedly feeling a sharp, weird feeling in his stomach for a moment until he immediately picked up his feet to adjust, keeping up with a similar although slower pace compared to Dogday's.

He silently thanked himself [and his stomach] for not throwing up right then and there. Sleeping in class was embarrassing enough, the last thing he needed was to also throw up in the halls.

Right in front of practically everyone in the school.

Dogday quickly brought the two of them through an exit, the now bright sunlight shining onto the two of them, providing a nice sense of warmth to the two.

Dogday walked up to a bike, getting on it.

"I sometimes bring my bike here, to get out a little earlier. Especially since my place isn't too far from here anyways. OH!! Wait I forgot to ask! Did you want to head back to your place first or...?"

Catnap was about to respond before the dog continued.

"I mean-! Shoot I don't even know where your place is! Haha, it feels like barely any time has passed by!"

Catnap admittedly felt a small 'punch' to his gut once Dogday mentioned the time the two spent apart.

Now, it wasn't really the fact that the two haven't seen each other for so long that hurt Catnap, but rather his behavior towards the dog for it.

He felt like a jerk. He treated the dog as if he were lesser than him somehow. And all over a stupid misunderstanding..

"Catnap? You falling asleep on me again buddy? Haha!"

The canine joked playfully, his tail wagging as he awaited the cat's response. The cat snapped himself out of his thoughts, noticing that the dog now had a helmet on.

For safety, of course!

He thought for a moment. To be fair...he could use a breath of fresh air. That...and he wanted to make things up to Dogday somehow.

He got onto the bike behind the dog, on the second seat of it.

"I'll go to your place.'s better than the bus, anyways."

The cat nearly felt himself shiver slightly as he recalled some of his previous experiences in the other buses, particularly in middle school.

Sunshine In The Moonlight [Dogday x Catnap]Where stories live. Discover now