Night Drive

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This chapter takes place during Realization!

I saw that some were interested in seeing Catnap's thought process in piecing together his and Dogday's relationship, so I decided to add it as an extra here!

This part is not necessary to read to enjoy the story, but it does give you a better idea of what Catnap was thinking [and doing during Realization]

Also, expect it to be shorter than others as a result of where it takes place.

Catnap's POV

I took the keys out to Kickin's car, bringing it near a car and pressing a button with an 'unlock symbol' on it.

The car's lights shined, a small noise coming from it to indiciate that it had been unlocked.

I opened the door, hopping into the driver seat. I shut the door behind me, starting the car up. It was of course in park, the engine roaring as it powered on.


I adjusted a mirror in the middle of the vehicle, so that I could see behind myself properly, of course!

With a soft, relaxed sigh, I eased up the tension in my body, before putting the car in reverse, pulling out of the driveway.

I of course put it into drive once ready, and began to drive along the road to my house. I was going to visit Dogday's afterwards to get him some clothes, too!

Still...I had a lot to think about, even while making sure to follow the rules of the road.

Especially since I was in Kickin's car.

Dogday and I's relationship has been rather strange, now that I think about it. It still felt natural of course, as if things continued off from where we were in Elementary School. also feels as if things have 'advanced' somehow? I mean, it almost seemed as if there was no limit to what the dog would let me do!

Pet him...sleep with him...

...wear his clothes.

I felt my face flush red at thought, although this time...the reason why felt closer than ever.

Well...I've heard about relationships, of course. The romantic kind. They always have seemed nice, but I have to wonder...

A lot of what Dogday and I do seems to match up with that. Maybe...are we?

Could we be dating? Maybe we are and Dogday was just too nervous or scared to say anything about it.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I thought about that.

Yeah...that does sound nice. I suppose we are a couple. It would make sense after all. I mean...I haven't seen any of the others treat each other the way Dogday and I do.

That, and even Cameron thought we were a couple.

It all kind of adds up in the end.

The way our friendship is...

The weird feelings I've been experiencing...

Among other things.

I made my way into my house's driveway, pulling in before slowing to a stop and putting Kickin's car into park. I opened up the door, stepping out.

I couldn't get rid of the smile on my face. Making my way to my house, I found the key I needed to head inside, and used it.

Maybe one Day Dogday will open up about it. But I won't force him. For now...I'll just go with it. It feels nice, anyways.

I'd have to wonder if any of the other critters have crushed on others...or even each other.

Maybe I'll ask Bobby about that someday, if necessary. She seems like she'd know the most about that sort of thing.

After I got some clothes, mainly hoodie, pants, and of course underwear, I made my way to Dogday's house, grabbing similar things for him as well, although a shirt was replaced with a hoodie.

Driving back to Kickin's house, I parked the car and made my way into the house. Kickin and Bubba weren't playing with each other anymore, and it was rather dark out as well. I assume that they went to bed or something.

I made my way upstairs, and found one room witn the lights on, but not the room Dogday and I shared.

Interesting...maybe Dogday went out somewhere to eat or something.

I knocked on Kickin's door, the chicken opening it before I promptly handed him his keys back.

"Oh! Thanks Catnap!"

The chicken thanked. I responded with a small nod, the door closing once again. I decided to head inside the room Dogday and I were given, opening the door only to find that the room was empty.

Shutting the door behind me, I made a big stretch, flopping down onto the bed.




Well just waiting here would be kinda boring. May as well go on my phone while I wait.

I pulled out my phone, the light from it illuminating the my face, and a small segment of the room around me. I started to scroll, debating on whether or not I should watch a video or something.


This went on for a few minutes until I suddenly heard the door open, and was greeted to the unsuspecting sight.

Dogday was...shirtle- No, he seemed to have JUST gotten out of the shower!

Oh no...

I couldn't look away! Admittedly the sight was both shocking and weirdly pleasant at the same time. The dog seemed quite nervous himself, the two of us staring at each other in shock.


I yelled out in surprise.

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