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𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢 - 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢 - 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭˚˚˚˚˚

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𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆

"THIS ONE IS CUTE. let's keep him." awed sonic as he pointed at the tiny helicopter flying right outside the window.

right then the new little robot started to slice through the metal of the truck, working its way around the window frames.

"come on!" huffed out tom, annoyed as he watched his truck getting ruined.

"how could something so adorable be so terrible!?" the hedgehog eyes moved on you and he watched your teeth coming out from under your lips as you snarled at it "oh, yeah..." he added as he realized the resemblance.

"you've got car insurance, right?" questioned the blue alien.

you, as usual, ignored his words.

the whole window frame came loose and it flied off causing you three to scream, the two men letting out a really high pitched noise.

"destroy it!" you ordered to the mobian, pointing towards the little robot that flew near his face.

he followed your orders, grabbing the helicopter "buzz off" he spoke as he yanked of the body and the core remained in his hand.

stuck to his hand.

"that doesn't sound good." the blue alien referred to the beeping echoing around, like a bomb.

"beeping is never good!" you screamed at him.

"get rid of it!" added the human, his tone rising with his anxiety.

the mobian tried to shake the small bomb off his hand "i'm trying!" he replied.

"throw it out the window- throw it anywhere!" the human seemed to fail to understand that your friend was really trying to free himself, he was just failing.

"i can't get it off!" he shouted back in protest.

"tom pull over!" you pointed to the open fields near the road and the man nodded in agreement, he drove away into the grass and you and sonic jumped out of the truck.

the hedgehog started to quickly move from a spot to another, trying different ways to get rid of the beeping item.

you grabbed it from his hand, trying to throw it away, but it was stuck to you now.

he did the same and it was on him again, he kept using sticks and rocks to free himself but nothing seemed to work.

"did i get it?" he questioned.

the bomb was actually stuck in his forehead and you shook your head to tell him no.

donut lord arrived from behind you, he held a piece of cloth in his hands and he run to your blue friend, telling him to hold still.

he grabbed the bomb and he got it off the hedgehog's head, he threw the whole tissue far away.

"it's going, it's going..." spoke the alien as he observed the cloth fly in the air, then you both turned around and you noticed that it was in fact not going anywhere.

"it's still here." finished sonic.

the man noticed the bomb now stuck to his hand and he too tried to shake it off but he wasn't succeeding.

the blue hedgehog decided that he didn't want anyone to get hurt because of the people following him, that had never been an option.

he grabbed the bomb from his friend's hand and he moved near a rock as he used a stick to try and get it off.

after some moments of anxiety with the beeping echoing even faster then before he turned around happily, and free.

"nailed it!" he laughed as he moved his hand up in the air, waiting for an high five.

the corners of your mouth were turning upwards before the bomb exploded, the light blinded you, the dust blocked your line of vision.

the force had sent you towards the ground and you had hit your head, but you didn't care.

you pushed yourself right up, as the dust started to settle you searched trough the dirt for something blue.

he was there, laying unconscious on the ground, you called his name more then once as you fall near his side.

you felt your head pounding as you laid your head on his chest, searching for an heart beat.

you breathed out a laugh as you heard it, his thump thump, slow and weak but it was there.

he was alive.

an hand brushed your back, a human hand, "come on. he will be all right." he tried to reassure you, his other hand petting your blue friend.

you wanted to believe him, you really did, but your mind screamed words that made you worry even more.

wake up. wake up.

and as your head pounded even faster, your whole world went black.

letsgoooo, letsdieeee!!
next chapter we're gonna meet maddie and i'm soooo excited for that, she's the best mom ever :)
little happy dance because i've been posting lots of chapters in these days!
kissesssss 💋💋💋

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