Chapter #1 The Memory Lane

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The dimly lit hospital room was suffocating, the air thick with the stench of disinfectant and despair. Aliza, a patient with a determined gaze, sat restrained in a chair, her eyes fixed on the young female doctor who stood before her.

The doctor’s smile was a thin, cruel line, her eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity. She held a small device in her hand, its wires snaking out like venomous tendrils. Aliza’s eyes widened as the doctor approached her, the device crackling with electricity.

The doctor’s fingers danced across the controls, and a jolt of electricity shot through Aliza’s body. She convulsed, her screams echoing off the walls as the doctor watched with a detached fascination.

The shocks continued, each one more intense than the last, Aliza’s body wracked with pain. Her mind raced, memories flashing through her thoughts like a desperate plea for escape. But the doctor’s grip was unyielding, her cruelty unrelenting.
As the shocks finally ceased, Aliza slumped forward, her breathing ragged. The doctor’s eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing as she studied her patient.

You’re not telling me the truth, Aliza,”

she hissed, her voice low and menacing.

And until you do, this will continue.”

Aliza’s mind reels from the torture, but as she drifts in and out of consciousness, fragmented memories begin to resurface. She recalls snippets of her life before the hospital: her successful career as a doctor, her happy moments, and a sense of fulfillment.

However, these memories are interspersed with darker recollections: a tragic event, a loss, and a sense of guilt that haunts her. The memories are hazy, but they hint at a life-altering incident that led to her confinement in the hospital.

As Aliza struggles to piece together her past, she becomes more determined to escape the hospital and uncover the truth about her situation.
Aliza’s mind raced with determination as she surveyed her hospital room, searching for any opportunity to escape. She spotted a faint crack in the window, a potential weakness she could exploit. With a surge of adrenaline, she began to work on the crack, carefully prying the window open.

As the opening grew wide enough, Aliza squeezed through, her heart pounding in her chest. She found herself on a narrow ledge, the hospital’s exterior walls looming above her. With a deep breath, she began to make her way along the ledge, her hands trembling as she clung to the wall.

Just as she reached the corner of the building, a voice shouted behind her.

Aliza, stop! You can’t escape!”

The young doctor, her tormentor, emerged from the shadows, flanked by two burly orderlies.

Aliza tried to run, but her legs trembled beneath her. The orderlies pinned her down, dragging her back to the hospital room. The doctor sneered, her eyes gleaming with triumph.

You’ll never leave this place, Aliza. You’re too sick, too dangerous.”

As they strapped her back into the chair, Aliza’s hope began to fade. But she refused to give up, her mind already plotting another escape attempt, another chance to uncover the truth and reclaim her freedom.
The doctor’s expression turned cold and calculating as she gazed at Aliza, strapped back into the chair.

You see, Aliza, you’re not just a patient here. You’re a project. And I’ve invested too much time and effort to let you escape now.”

Aliza’s eyes narrowed, her mind racing with questions.

What do you mean? What project?”

The doctor smiled, a thin, sinister smile.

You’ll find out soon enough. But for now, let’s just say that your escape attempts have consequences. And if you continue to resist, things will only get worse.”

Aliza’s heart sank, fear creeping up her spine.

What are you going to do to me?”

The doctor leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper.

I’ll give you one last chance to cooperate, Aliza. Tell me the truth about your past, about what happened before you came here. If you do, I might just let you go.”

Aliza’s eyes widened, hope flickering to life. But as she looked into the doctor’s eyes, she saw only manipulation and deceit. She knew she couldn’t trust her.

With a surge of defiance, Aliza spat in the doctor’s face.

I’ll never tell you anything.
The doctor’s expression turned icy, her eyes flashing with anger. “Very well, Aliza. You’ve made your choice. Now, let’s begin the next phase of your treatment.”

As the doctor turned to leave, Aliza’s heart raced with dread, wondering what new horrors awaited her.
The doctor’s words hung in the air like a threat, and Aliza’s anxiety grew as she waited for the next phase of her “treatment” to begin. She didn’t have to wait long.

The door to her room burst open, and a team of orderlies stormed in, their faces expressionless. They dragged Aliza from the chair, strapping her to a gurney as she struggled and kicked.
The doctor watched with a detached gaze, her eyes cold and calculating.

This is for your own good, Aliza. You’ll see.”

As the orderlies wheeled her out of the room, Aliza caught a glimpse of a sign on the door: “Experimental Ward”. Her heart raced with terror as she realized she was being taken to a place where the hospital’s most sinister experiments were conducted.
The gurney stopped in front of a door marked “Room 13”. The orderlies pushed her inside, and Aliza found herself in a dimly lit room filled with strange equipment and machines. A figure in a white coat stood waiting,
its face hidden behind a mask.

Welcome, Aliza,”

the figure said, its voice distorted and menacing.

We’re going to help you remember your past. Whether you want to or not.”

As the figure loomed over her, Aliza knew she was in for a nightmare from which she might never awaken.
The figure in the white coat began to attach electrodes to Aliza’s head, its movements swift and efficient. Aliza struggled against the restraints, but they were too tight. She felt a sense of panic as the figure injected something into her vein.

What are you doing?”

Aliza demanded, trying to keep her voice steady.

We’re going to help you remember,”

the figure replied, its voice still distorted.

You’ve been blocking the truth for too long. It’s time to face your past.”

As the drugs took effect, Aliza’s mind began to fog. She felt herself being pulled back into her memories, to a time she’d rather forget.

The room around her began to blur, replaced by a familiar yet painful scene. She saw herself in a hospital, but not as a patient. She was a doctor, standing over a operating table, her hands covered in blood.

Aliza’s eyes widened as she realized what she was seeing. The memory was one she’d suppressed, one she’d tried to forget. But now, it was all coming back.

The figure in the white coat watched her, its eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity.

Yes, Aliza. Remember. Remember what you did.”

As the memory played out, Aliza’s screams echoed through Room 13, her mind shattered by the truth she’d tried so hard to forget.

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