Chapter # 6. Scorned Love

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Aliza lay on the narrow bed in Room 13 of the mental hospital, her mind clouded by the darkness that had consumed her.

The doctors and nurses flitted about, their faces a blur as they poked and prodded her with questions. But Aliza knew the truth – she wasn’t insane, she was trapped.

Trapped by the secrets she had kept, trapped by the lies she had told, and trapped by the weight of her family’s legacy. As she stared up at the cold, grey ceiling, Aliza’s thoughts drifted back to her life – the daughter of Nusrat, the doctor who had it all. But beneath the surface, she had been living a lie, and now she was paying the price.

The room seemed to close in around her, the shadows whispering secrets in her ear, as Aliza wondered if she would ever be free from the chains of her past.

As the therapy sessions slowly unraveled the tangled threads of her mind, Aliza’s voice trembled with a mix of fear and liberation,

I’ve been living a lie… my mother’s secret, my father’s betrayal, and my own revenge… it’s all been a never-ending cycle of pain… but I’m finally breaking free’.”

The tension between Rashid and Nusrat had been building for weeks, ever since Sofia’s arrival. One evening, it finally boiled over into a heated argument.

How could you keep this from me, Rashid?” Nusrat demanded, her voice trembling with anger. “You didn’t tell me about your wife, Sarah, or your daughter, Sofia. Why did you hide this from me?”

Rashid’s face reddened, his eyes flashing with defensiveness.

I didn’t want to hurt you, Nusrat. I knew you were still grieving Jameel’s passing. I didn’t want to burden you with my past.”

Nusrat’s laughter was bitter.

Burden me? You’ve been lying to me from the start! You’re still married to Sarah, aren’t you?”

Rashid hesitated, his silence confirming Nusrat’s suspicions.

You’re still married, and Sofia is your daughter! How could you keep this from me?”

The argument escalated, with both Rashid and Nusrat shouting over each other. Sofia, who had been watching from the sidelines, intervened, trying to calm them down.

Please, stop! This is tearing us apart!”

But Nusrat was beyond consolation.

I don’t even know who you are anymore, Rashid. You’ve broken my trust.”

With that, she stormed out of the room, leaving Rashid and Sofia in an uncomfortable silence.

Nusrat slammed the door behind her, tears streaming down her face as she fled to her room. She felt betrayed, deceived, and heartbroken. How could Rashid keep such secrets from her? She thought they had built a life together, a new beginning after their spouses’ passing.

She collapsed onto her bed, sobbing uncontrollably. The memories of their time together now felt like lies. She remembered the way Rashid would avoid talking about his past, the way he would change the subject when she asked about his family.

Nusrat’s mind raced with questions. What else had he hidden from her? Was their entire relationship a sham? She felt like she was living in a dream, a dream that had just been shattered.
As she lay there, she heard a soft knock on the door. It was Aliza, her daughter.

Mother, please open the door. I want to talk to you.”

Nusrat hesitated, then slowly got up and opened the door. Aliza entered, concern etched on her face.

Mother, what’s going on? I heard the argument. What’s happening between you and Rashid?”

Nusrat broke down again, and Aliza embraced her, holding her tightly as she sobbed.

Aliza held Nusrat tightly, trying to comfort her as she sobbed. Finally, Nusrat’s tears subsided, and she pulled back, her eyes red and puffy.

Aliza, I have to tell you something,” Nusrat said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Rashid… he’s not who I thought he was.”

Aliza’s brow furrowed in concern.

What do you mean, Mother?”

Nusrat took a deep breath.

He’s still married to his first wife, Sarah. And Sofia… she’s his daughter from that marriage.”

Aliza’s eyes widened in shock.

What? Why didn’t he tell us?

Nusrat shook her head.

I don’t know, but I feel like a fool. I thought we had a new beginning, a new life together. But it was all a lie.”

Aliza’s expression turned determined.

We’ll get through this together, Mother. We don’t need him. We have each other.”

Nusrat smiled weakly, grateful for her daughter’s support.

You’re right, Aliza. We don’t need him. We’re strong enough on our own.”

As they hugged again, Nusrat knew she had to end things with Rashid and move on. She couldn’t keep living a lie.

Sofia’s voice was a gentle whisper, but her words were laced with venom as she leaned in close to Rashid.

Father, don’t you see? Nusrat and Aliza, they’re not who they seem. They’re using you, manipulating you for their own gain.”

Rashid’s eyes narrowed, his mind clouded with doubt.

What are you talking about, Sofia?”

Sofia’s smile was sweet, but her eyes gleamed with malice.

Think about it, Father. Nusrat, she’s always so perfect, so caring. But is she really? Or is she just using you to get what she wants?”

Rashid’s brow furrowed, his mind racing with questions.

And Aliza,”

Sofia continued, her voice dripping with venom.

She’s so quiet, so reserved. But what’s she hiding, Father? What secrets is she keeping from you?”

Rashid’s eyes widened, his mind filled with suspicion and doubt.
As the scene ended, Sofia’s whispers had planted a seed of discord in Rashid’s mind, a seed that would grow and flourish, destroying the fragile bond between Rashid, Nusrat, and Aliza.

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