Chapter # 12. Love turned to Lie

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Aliza and Dr. Smith sat side by side in the car, the soft hum of the engine and the gentle rustle of the wind outside creating a cozy atmosphere. As they drove through the streets of Khushhaal Pur, the scenery outside became a blur, replaced by the tension between them.

Dr. Smith’s gaze kept drifting towards Aliza, his eyes filled with a deep affection and admiration. Aliza, feeling his eyes on her, grew increasingly shy, her cheeks flushing pink. She fidgeted with her hands, her eyes darting towards him and then quickly away, like a shy bird flitting between branches.

The car’s interior seemed to shrink, the air thickening with an unspoken connection. Dr. Smith’s smile was gentle, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he tried to put her at ease. But his gaze kept returning to her, as if drawn by an unseen force.

The car glided smoothly through the streets, the silence between them becoming a living thing, a tangible presence that wrapped around them like a gentle embrace. Aliza’s shyness slowly gave way to a sense of comfort, her heart feeling safe in Dr. Smith’s presence.

As they approached her  home, the car slowed to a stop, the engine purring softly. Aliza’s heart raced, her senses heightened by the gentle tension between them. Dr. Smith’s hand brushed against hers, a gentle touch that sent shivers down her spine.
Aliza’s eyes widened in shock as she entered her home, her ears met with the sound of Nusrat and Rashid’s laughter. “Nusrat, I appreciate how you fooled Aliza and got all of Jameel’s property,” Rashid said, chuckling. “That’s why you married Jameel… hahahaha.”
Aliza’s mind raced as she processed their words. “How we fooled Aliza by arguing in front of her that I’m her father… Oh my god, hahahaha… And Sarah, there is no Sarah in my life, you are my everything, darling.”
Her heart sank as she heard them mention Dr. Khan and organ smuggling. “And how we got along with Dr. Khan in smuggling organs… and asked him to do this with Aliza… And our blood, Sophia, will help her… She’s our blood, she must be like us.”
Tears streamed down her face as she heard their cruel laughter. “Aliza is now in a mental hospital, trapped… hahahah… Her father’s curse, she will suffer for her father’s mistakes… Jameel’s bad blood, I married him for money, so I could live a comfortable life with you…”
Aliza’s eyes froze, her mind reeling in disbelief. The room seemed to spin around her as she struggled to process the truth. Her family, her own flesh and blood, had deceived her, manipulated her, and sold her out for their own gain.
Tears streamed down her face, her heart shattering into a million pieces. She felt like she was living in a nightmare, with no escape from the cruel reality.
With a trembling hand, she reached for the doorframe, trying to steady herself. Her eyes fixed on Nusrat and Rashid, her voice barely audible. “How…how could you do this to me?”
Nusrat’s expression turned cold, her voice devoid of empathy. “You were always a means to an end, Aliza. A way to get what we wanted.”
Rashid’s laughter echoed through the room, a harsh, mocking sound. “You were never part of our family, Aliza. Just a pawn in our game.”
Nusrat, with a mix of anger and sarcasm, says to Aliza, “Oh, you think you can escape from this mental hospital? Don’t think for a moment that Dr. Khan will let you off that easily. After all, he’s invested so much in you. And what’s more, we can’t possibly benefit from you anyway… You see, Aliza, we’ve only kept you around to get our hands on your father’s wealth and property. That’s all you’re good for.”
Aliza looks at her mother, Nusrat, with shock and disbelief,

“And what about me, Mother? Am I not your daughter?”

Nusrat’s expression turns even more cruel,

“You? My daughter? Ha! You’re just Jameel’s daughter. I only married Jameel because I wanted a secure life, but when Sophia was born, I finally had a child with the right father – Rashid. And as for you, Aliza, you were just a mistake, a reminder of my past. You have no relation to us, no connection. I’ve already taken what I wanted from you – the property. So, get out of our sight!”

“And one more thing girl”

Nusrat’s expression turned cold and calculated as she revealed the shocking truth to Aliza.

“You see, Aliza, Rashid and I have been in cahoots with Dr. Khan all along. The file, the whole story, was a fabrication. Your father, Jameel, didn’t die of natural causes; we poisoned him. Rashid and I planned it together, and Sophia was our pawn in the game. We manipulated her into revealing everything, so we could mentally torture you… and it worked. We’ve all been successful in our own ways, and you’re the result of our collective efforts.”

Aliza’s eyes widened in horror, her mind reeling from the revelation. She felt like she’d been punched in the gut, her breath knocked out of her. Nusrat’s words were like a twisted knife, stabbing at her very soul.

“You… you killed my father?” Aliza stammered, her voice barely audible.
Nusrat’s smile was icy, devoid of any warmth or remorse. “We had to ensure he wouldn’t stand in our way. And now, you’re right where we want you – trapped in this mental hospital, powerless and helpless.”

Aliza is shocked and heartbroken, trying to process her mother’s harsh words. She remembered what happened in the hospital when nusrat came to her
Nusrat’s voice dripped with sweetness as she coaxed Aliza.

“Come, dear, just sign these papers and you’ll finally be free from the mental hospital. You’ll be able to start your new life, just like Dr. Khan promised.”

Aliza’s eyes darted around the room, her mind racing. She had been trapped in this place for so long, and the thought of freedom was tantalizing. But something felt off…
Nusrat’s grip on her hand tightened.

“Sign, Aliza. Trust me, it’s for the best.”

Sofia’s words echoed in her mind:

“Don’t trust Nusrat, Aliza. She’s manipulating you.”

But Aliza’s desire for freedom clouded her judgment. She took a deep breath and signed the papers, the pen scratching across the page like a death sentence.

As soon as she finished, Nusrat snatched the papers away, her smile triumphant.

“Excellent! Now, let’s get you discharged and start your new life…without any bothersome property or family ties to hold you back.”

Aliza’s eyes widened in horror as she realized her mistake. She had signed away her inheritance, her family’s legacy, and her own future. The room began to spin, and she felt herself being dragged back into the darkness, further than ever before.
Aliza’s eyes locked onto Nusrat and Rashid, her mind racing with a mix of emotions. She felt betrayed, hurt, and angry, but she knew she had to act fast. With a surge of adrenaline, she turned and ran upstairs to her room, her heart pounding in her chest.
She quickly grabbed the folder containing the hidden proofs she had collected, the evidence of her family’s wrongdoings and Dr. Khan’s sinister plans. She shoved it into her bag and zipped it up, her hands trembling with determination.

With her bag slung over her shoulder, she ran back downstairs and out of the house, leaving the toxic secrets and lies behind. As she emerged into the bright sunlight, she saw Dr. Smith waiting for her, his eyes filled with concern and support.

“Aliza, come with me,” he said gently, opening the car door. “You’re safe now.”

Aliza nodded, tears streaming down her face as she got into the car. She clutched her bag tightly, the proofs inside a reminder of her resolve to bring the truth to light.

Smith drove away from the house, away from the people who had betrayed her trust. As they drove, Smith handed her a tissue.

“Here, Aliza. You’re strong, and you’ll get through this.”

Aliza smiled weakly, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Smith.

“Thank you, Smith. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Smith’s expression softened.

“You’ll never have to face anything alone, Aliza. I’m here for you. And with the proofs you have, we’ll make sure justice is served.”

Love,Lies And RevengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz