Chapter #4 Revenge

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The sun shone brightly on the vibrant wedding celebrations at the small mosque in Khushhal Pur, where Nusrat and Rashid had gathered with friends and family to embark on their new journey together.

Nusrat, resplendent in her red bridal attire, her eyes shining with happiness, sat beside Rashid, who wore a elegant white sherwani. They exchanged vows, promising to love and cherish each other, as the Imam pronounced them husband and wife.
As the ceremony concluded, Nusrat’s relatives and friends bid her a tearful farewell, showering her with blessings and gifts. Rashid took her hand, leading her out of the mosque, into a new chapter of their lives.
Their car drove through the familiar streets of Khushhal Pur, passing by the textile mill where Rashid worked, until they reached his cozy home nearby.

As they entered the house, decorated with colorful balloons and fragrant flowers, Rashid’s family welcomed Nusrat with open arms. His mother, beaming with joy, embraced her new daughter-in-law, whispering words of love and acceptance.

Nusrat smiled, feeling at home, knowing she had found a new family, a new love, and a new life with Rashid. Together, they would build a future filled with happiness, laughter, and cherished moments.:

Nusrat was settling into her new home, unpacking her belongings and putting away dishes in the kitchen, when she heard the sound of the door opening. She turned to see Rashid walking in, followed by a young girl with a big smile and curious eyes.

Nusrat, this is Sofia, my daughter,” Rashid said, his face beaming with pride.
Nusrat’s eyes widened in shock.
“Your daughter?”
she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sofia, oblivious to the surprise, ran to Rashid, hugging him tightly.
Daddy, I missed you!”
Rashid chuckled, ruffling her hair.

I missed you too, sweetie. Nusrat, Sofia is my daughter from my previous marriage. I didn’t mention it earlier, but I wanted to surprise you.”

Nusrat’s mind raced as she tried to process this new information. She had no idea Rashid had a daughter, and she felt a mix of emotions: shock, confusion, and a hint of fear.
Sofia, sensing the tension, looked up at Nusrat with big brown eyes.
Hello, Nusrat. Are you my new mommy?”
Nusrat forced a smile, trying to hide her surprise.
Yes, Sofia. I’m your new mommy. It’s nice to meet you.”

As Sofia hugged Nusrat, Rashid watched, hoping that his new wife would soon adjust to this unexpected addition to their family. Little did he know, Nusrat’s heart was racing with questions and doubts.
Aliza, holding her Nani’s hand, walked into the house, excited to see her mother and new father. As they entered the living room, she noticed a girl with curly brown hair and big brown eyes, playing with toys on the floor.
Who is she, Nani?” Aliza asked, her curiosity piqued.

That’s Sofia, beta,” Nusrat replied, trying to sound calm.
She’s Rashid’s daughter from his previous marriage.”

Aliza’s eyes widened in surprise, and she looked up at Nusrat with questions.
I didn’t know Daddy had a daughter!”

Nusrat knelt down beside Aliza, explaining gently,

I know, sweetie. It’s a lot to take in. But Sofia is a part of our family now, and we’ll all love and care for each other.”

Sofia, sensing the attention, looked up and smiled at Aliza.
Hi! I’m Sofia. Welcome to our home!”

Aliza hesitated for a moment, then smiled back,
I’m Aliza. Nice to meet you, Sofia.”

As the two girls began to play together, Nusrat watched, hoping that they would quickly bond and become the best of friends. Little did she know, this was just the beginning of a beautiful sisterly relationship.
Nusrat sat in her mother’s lap, tears streaming down her face.
Ammi, I’m so worried. What if Rashid prefers Sofia over Aliza? I married him for Aliza’s sake, but what if he loves Sofia more?”

Her mother listened attentively, offering comforting words.

Nusrat, Rashid is a good man. He will love and care for both girls equally. Don’t doubt his love for Aliza.”

Just then, Sofia appeared in the doorway, her eyes wide with understanding. She had heard the entire conversation.
Nusrat’s face flushed with embarrassment.
Sofia, sweetie, I didn’t mean… “

Sofia walked closer, her voice gentle.
It’s okay, Nusrat. I know you love Aliza so much. And I love my dad. But we can all love each other, right?”

Nusrat’s heart swelled with gratitude.

Yes, Sofia. We can definitely love each other. And I promise to be a good mother to you too.”

Sofia smiled, and the two girls hugged, a newfound understanding between them. From that moment on, Sofia and Aliza became inseparable sisters, and Nusrat learned to love and care for both girls equally, as her own.
Sofia sat on her bed, phone in hand, talking to her mother, Sarah.
"Mom, I want to tell you about my new mother,"
she said, excitement in her voice.
Sarah's tone turned cold.
"What about her, Sofia?"

Sofia continued,
"She's really nice, Mom. She loves me and Aliza so much. And she's always making sure we're happy."

Sarah's voice dripped with malice.

"Oh, really? Well, don't get too attached, Sofia. She's just trying to replace me. And she'll never be your real mother."

Sofia's face fell, confusion and doubt creeping in.
"But Mom, she's really kind to me..."

Sarah cut her off.
"Kind? Ha! She's just manipulating you, Sofia. Don't trust her. And remember, I'm your real mother, and I'll always be the one who loves you the most."

Sofia's mind raced with mixed emotions, as Sarah's words planted seeds of uncertainty and distrust.
Sofia listened intently as her mother, Sarah, spoke over the phone, her voice laced with venom.

"Sofia, you must be careful around Nusrat and Aliza. They're trying to steal your father's love from you. Nusrat is manipulative and only wants to be with your father for his money and status. And Aliza is just a pawn in her game."

Sofia's eyes widened with concern. "What should I do, Mommy?"

Sarah's voice turned menacing. "You must do exactly as I say, Sofia. If you don't, your father will love Aliza more than you. He'll forget about you and only care about his new family. But if you follow my instructions, I'll make sure he always puts you first."
Sofia's mind raced with fear and doubt, as her mother's words poisoned her thoughts. She felt a surge of resentment towards Nusrat and Aliza, and a determination to follow her mother's orders to protect her father's love.
Sofia’s eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and mischief as she approached her father, Rashid, in the living room. She had been coached by her mother, Sarah, to stir up trouble.

Daddy, I need to tell you something,” Sofia said, her voice trembling. “Nusrat has been saying mean things about you behind your back. She doesn’t like it when you spend time with me and Aliza.”

Rashid’s expression darkened, his brow furrowed in concern.
What did she say, Sofia?”
Sofia hesitated, then spoke in a whisper,
“She said you’re not a good father, and that you only care about yourself.”

Nusrat, who was in the kitchen, overheard the conversation and stormed into the living room.
Rashid, that’s not true! Sofia, why would you say such a thing?”

Rashid’s face turned red with anger.
Nusrat’s eyes welled up with tears.
Rashid, I swear I never said those things. Sofia, tell your father the truth!”

Sofia’s eyes darted between her father and Nusrat, a hint of guilt flickering across her face. But she remained silent, knowing she had done exactly what her mother had instructed.
The tension between Nusrat and Rashid was palpable, the seeds of distrust and anger sown. The clash had begun, and Sofia’s actions had ignited the fire.           

Rashid stormed into Nusrat’s room, his face red with anger.

How could you, Nusrat? How could you say such things about me?”

Nusrat stood up, her eyes flashing.
I didn’t say anything, Rashid. Sofia is lying. I swear on my honor.”

Rashid shook his head.
Children can’t lie, Nusrat. They’re innocent. Sofia wouldn’t make something like that up.”

Nusrat’s face paled.
But Rashid, you know how Sarah has been poisoning Sofia’s mind against me. She’s manipulating her.”

Rashid’s expression hardened.
I don’t want to hear it, Nusrat. If Sofia said it, then it must be true. You’re just trying to cover your tracks.”

Nusrat’s voice rose.
Rashid, please listen to me! You’re being blind to the truth!”

But Rashid cut her off, his voice cold. “I’ve heard enough, Nusrat. You’ve broken my trust. That’s all that matters.”

Sofia, fueled by her mother Sarah’s manipulations, continued to play on her father’s emotions, making false accusations against Nusrat and driving a wedge between her father and stepmother. As the days went by, Rashid and Nusrat grew increasingly distant, their conversations strained and tense. Nusrat’s attempts to reason with Rashid fell on deaf ears, as he became more and more entrenched in his belief that Nusrat was against him. The once-loving relationship between Rashid and Nusrat began to fray, threatening to unravel completely, all while Sofia watched with a satisfied smile, knowing she had succeeded in causing chaos in the family..

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