Chapter # 8. Dreams Come True

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The auditorium erupted in applause as Aliza’s name was called. She rose from her seat, her heart racing with excitement and pride. She had done it. She had finally achieved her dream.

As she walked towards the stage, her eyes scanned the crowd, locking onto the faces that mattered most. Her parents, Nusrat and Rashid, beamed with pride, their eyes shining with tears. Sofia’s face was notably absent, but Aliza didn’t let that dampen her moment.

With each step, Aliza felt the weight of her past lifting. She thought of all the struggles, the late nights, and the sacrifices she had made. It had all been worth it.

As she accepted her degree, Aliza felt a sense of validation. She was no longer just the daughter of a troubled family; she was Dr. Aliza, a healer, a professional, and a force to be reckoned with.

The dean’s words echoed in her mind:

Aliza, your dedication and perseverance are an inspiration to us all. You have proven that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.”

As she walked off the stage, diploma in hand, Aliza felt a sense of freedom. She had broken free from the shackles of her family’s secrets and lies. She had forged a new path, one that would define her own legacy.

Aliza smiling, her eyes shining with tears, as she embraces her parents and begins her new journey as a doctor, ready to heal the world, one patient at a time.


Aliza walked into the house, her degree clutched tightly in her hand, a mix of emotions swirling inside her. She had expected Sofia to be absent from her big day, but a part of her had hoped for a miracle.

As she entered the living room, Sofia’s eyes narrowed, her face twisted in a scowl.

So, you’re finally a doctor,”

Sofia sneered, her voice laced with venom.

Congratulations, Aliza. You’ve always been Father’s favorite, haven’t you?”

Aliza’s eyes locked onto Sofia’s, a spark of anger igniting within her.

Why didn’t you come to my ceremony, Sofia? After all these years, I thought you’d put our differences aside for one day.”

Sofia’s laughter was cold and mirthless.

Why should I celebrate your success, Aliza? You’ve always had everything handed to you on a silver platter. Father always loved you more, and now you’re a doctor, while I’m still stuck in this miserable life.”

Aliza’s grip on her degree tightened, her voice firm but controlled.

That’s not true, Sofia. Father loved us both equally, but you’ve always chosen to see it differently. And as for my success, it’s not a handout, it’s a result of my hard work and dedication.”

Sofia’s face reddened, her eyes blazing with resentment.

You think you’re so perfect, don’t you, Aliza? But I’ll show you, I’ll make sure you pay for everything you’ve taken from me.”

The air was heavy with tension, the sisters’ words hanging like a challenge, a promise of a storm to come. Aliza knew Sofia’s wrath was far from over, and she steeled herself for the battles ahead.
Sofia’s eyes narrowed, her mind racing with malice. She began to pace the room, her footsteps echoing through the silence. Aliza watched her, a sense of unease growing in her chest.

Sofia, what are you planning?”

Aliza asked, her voice firm but wary.
Sofia’s smile was chilling.

Oh, dear sister, I’m just getting started. You see, I’ve been thinking… you’ve taken everything from me – Father’s love, Mother’s attention, and now a successful career. It’s time I take something from you.”

Aliza’s grip on her degree tightened, her heart racing with anticipation.

What are you talking about, Sofia?”

Sofia’s eyes gleamed with a sinister light.

Your precious career, Aliza. I’ll make sure it’s destroyed, just like you destroyed mine. And then, we’ll see who Father loves more.”

Aliza’s eyes widened, horror dawning on her.

Sofia, you can’t be serious. You’re my sister, for God’s sake!”

Sofia’s laughter sent shivers down Aliza’s spine.

Sister? Ha! You’ve never been a sister to me, Aliza. You’ve always been a rival, a threat. And now, it’s time for you to pay the price

Days passed, and Aliza tried to brush off Sofia’s ominous threat, focusing on her new career as a doctor. But the memory of Sofia’s venomous words lingered, making her skin crawl.

One night, as she was leaving the hospital after a long shift, Aliza noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. Her heart raced as the figure stepped forward, revealing Sofia’s sinister grin.

You think you’re so smart, don’t you, Aliza?”

Sofia sneered, her eyes glinting with malice.

But I’ve been watching you, following your every move. And soon, I’ll make my move.”

Aliza’s instincts screamed warning, and she quickened her pace, but Sofia kept pace with her, her voice dripping with malevolence.

You’ll never be able to escape from me, Aliza. I’ll ruin your reputation, your career, and your life. And Father will finally see the truth – that you’re not the perfect daughter he thinks you are.”

The darkness seemed to closing in around Aliza, and she knew she had to get away from Sofia’s toxic presence. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest, until she finally reached the safety of her car.
As she locked the doors and started the engine, Aliza caught a glimpse of Sofia’s face in the rearview mirror, her eyes burning with a hatred so intense it made Aliza’s blood run cold.


Dr. Aliza walked into her apartment, exhausted from a long day at the hospital. She was looking forward to a quiet evening alone, but as she entered her living room, she noticed a strange box on her coffee table. It was wrapped in brown paper and twine, with no indication of who might have left it.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a small, unmarked box inside.

As she opened it, she was met with a shock that left her breathless.

Inside the box were old photographs of her mother, Nusrat, with a man – Rashid. The pictures showed them together, happy and in love, before her mother’s marriage to Jameel.

Aliza’s mind raced as she tried to process what she was seeing. This was the proof she had been searching for, the truth about her family’s secrets.
But as she delved deeper into the box, she found a letter addressed to her. The words sent a chill down her spine:

Dear Aliza,

You think you’re so smart, don’t you?
Trying to uncover the secrets of your family’s past. But you have no idea who you’re dealing with. I know the truth about your mother and Rashid. I know you’re the result of their illicit affair. And if you don’t back off, I’ll make sure the whole world knows it too.
You have 48 hours to comply.

A friend”

Aliza felt like she had been punched in the gut. Who was this person, and how did they know her family’s secrets? She was trapped in a nightmare, and she didn’t know how to wake up.
______________________________________So, this is today's exciting chapter . Tell me in the comments section about your opinions . I will appreciate that.  There are alot of twists and mysteries in this story , you'll find out in the upcoming chapters that will left you in shock . So, stay connected . Need your kind support
Taqveem Arooj

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