35 Opinion

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Part 35 Opinion

Sulthan came to Dev.

"Jee, Baba"

"Where were you? Go and bring Arjun immediately"

"I was reading sensational news in the newspaper..." he intentionally said.

"News?" He raised his brows wondering.

Sulthan nodded yes.

"From when did you start developing your knowledge of current affairs?" he mocked.

"Nothing is like that, baba... this news is about our collector sir, and Khushi"

Dev looked at Shyam who was also confused like him.

"What news?" Dev asked, whereas Shyam snatched the newspaper from his hand and read it. Sulthan didn't wait until Shyam read it.

"Colelcter sir and Khushi are engaged today and soon getting married..." Sulthan said.

"Whaaaat? Did the news publish in the newspaper too?" Dev asked.

"Haan... I went to the nearby shop and saw the newspaper hanging there. That's when I saw this news. To know the exact news, I buy it"

Dev looked at Shaym fuming who threw the newspaper wrathfully. Sulthan moved a step back.

"You can go," Dev said.

Sulthan moved back politely and left the place. He was so satisfied with Arnav and Khushi's wedding announcement. He thought Aravn would arrest Arjun and get all the details through him but he was many steps ahead and engaged to Khushi. Hereafter, Dev and Shyam could not play with their reputation. Even though they spread news about them, people would not take it seriously as they were going to be a couple soon.

Dev looked at Shyam wrathfully.

"What the hell is this?"

Shyam was silent. what could he say when he himself was not clear about it?

"How did their engagement happen? Are they in Love?"

"No... no way... don't we know Khushi? She never gives a chance to anything other than her social service. And about Arnav, where does he have time to think about love and all when he is busy thinking about us?"

"Then what's this?"

"It seems his mother was attracted to Khushi, seeing her in our district site. She took the proposal forward it seemed"

"Is it there in the newspaper?"

"Yes, her mother herself answered to the press"

Dev sat on the couch irritatingly.

"We will find another way to implement our plan," Shyam said.

"What will you plan? Everyone knows how loyal he is...! Adding to it, he is getting married to Shashi Gupta's daughter whose father is also loyal. What we could do? The whole power is in his hand. We can't even make a simple move. We are in his iron clutch. Don't forget it"

"I didn't forget it but I will definitely do something to prove that there is someone who could defeat the great collector," Shyam said.

"This time, think on the right path at least..." Dev said irritatingly.

Shyam nodded ok.

On the other side, Aman was continuously getting calls from officials of the district. Aman was stunned to see the news as he was unaware of it. Arnav asked him to talk to the press reporters to write an article about the washroom revolution done by the Revival Foundation. He just did what he said. He didn't expect he would engage Khushi... that too on the same day...! Aman so wanted to ask Arnav about it but he was hesitating to ask Arnav anything regarding it.

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