37 Date Fixed

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Part 37 Date Fixed

Shashi and Garima reached the Camp Office. Though Shashi had gone there many times, those were official visits but this was different. He was going there to create a relationship with the district Collector. He was going to become a Father-in-law to the collector. He didn't even think of such a change in his life. He wanted to search for a good groom for his daughter. He had no big expectations. He just wanted his son-in-law to be a nice man with a good character. That was all that he expected from his son-in-law but he never expected, Arnav Singh Raizada to marry his daughter.

Arvind and Ratna welcomed them. They treated them with juice.

Shashi forwarded a paper to Arvind. He took it from him even though he didn't know what was.

"I met our Pandit last evening and got some auspicious dates from him. There are four dates in the chit. You can fix the wedding on any date"

Arvind looked at the dates. There was only one date in the next week and other dates were in the next month.

"What about this one?" Arvind asked about the date that was in the next week. Shashi expected it.

Shashi nodded ok.

"All our relatives are in this district only. I will invite them to the wedding" Shashi said.

"How could you manage your office work in between the wedding work, Shashiji?"

"I have already sent my leave application to the Collector Sir" Shashi smiled.

Arvind laughed.

"Your collector has no chance other than sanctioning it"

"Don't say that Raizadaji. We can't guess our collector that easily. He will reject it if there is an important work in the office" Shashi said smilingly.

Arvind and Ratna spared a glance.

"First, ask the collector if the date is fine with him"

"I don't know about your collector, Shashiji but my son will tick the next week's date. Mark my words" Arvind said.

"That will be great..."

"Don't you want to invite your relatives to the wedding?" Garima asked.

"Of course, we will... they will attend the wedding"

"Won't they feel bad about fixing the wedding in a short period?"

"They would have been if Arnav is a common man... as he is a Collector, no one will open their mouth. People respect our POST, not our character... am I right?" Arvind said.

Shashi nodded yes.

"You know Shashiji, until Arnav finished IAS, no one gave heed to us even though I was a police inspector but now, I'm getting treated like I'm a God...! People made me an admin of all the WhatsApp groups too..." he laughed and others joined.

"Ok, Arvindji, we are leaving. I have to go to the office today to know about my leave application"

"Ok... convey our regards to our Daughter-in-law," Ratna said.

"Sure" Garima smiled.

They left the Camp Office.

Arvind called Arnav to convey the information. Arnav attended the call.

"Yes, Dad... what's the date?"

"The next Friday"

"Oh... That's fine"

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