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Item #: Anomaly-002

Object Class: Entity

Procedures for Containment: Living Anomaly-002 instances are to be contained within Wilderness Observation Chamber-1C. The exterior of WOC-1C must be monitored by 4 security guards at all times. WOC-1C is to be inspected once every three days for any possible sabotaged from the inside caused by Anomaly-002 instances. Anomaly-002 instances are to be fed one [DATA-EXPUNGED] for each Anomaly-002 instance every 2 weeks.

Deceased instances of Anomaly-002 must be checked by on-site necropsy staff before being transported to refrigerated storage, where they will be held till further investigation upon request. Any missing instances of Anomaly-002 corpses are to be reported to the current site administrator at that time and a full investigation is to begin immediately.

Description: Anomaly-002 is a frog like humanoid, reaching about 4 ft tall, with blood red skin & a "wrinkled" bald head and usually being Male. Anomaly-002 appears to have no teeth but eats through its cephalopod like suckers off the tip of its fingers. Said suckers have been shown to have the ability to drain blood out of a living organism and Directly into the body of Anomaly-002.

 Said suckers have been shown to have the ability to drain blood out of a living organism and Directly into the body of Anomaly-002

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(Artist rendition of Anomaly-002)

Test involving Anomaly-002 have shown how the entity hunts, feed, and reproduce all in the same process. This process begins with anomaly-002 climbing up the highest Ground it could find, such as a tree or building, and wait patiently till it locates something it feels will be enough for the rest of the ritual. Upon launching itself onto the back of its designated prey, Anomaly-002 then proceeds to use its suckers upon the tips of its fingers to drain the blood from the organism while pinning its limbs to the ground. Once the cadaver of the organism is drained of every ounce of blood within its body, Anomaly-002 well, then begin to unhinged its jaw and swallow the cadaver whole. After this whole revolting process, Anomaly-002 well then throw up a red blob, presumably the crushed up cadaver, and move on. After a designated time of five minutes, the blob will hatch into a brand new instance of Anomaly-002.

Addendum #002-1: Recovery Log

P.I.C first heard about Anomaly-002 when multiple disappearances were reported inside the "Daintree National Park" located in Far North Queensland in Australia. The most recent incident occurred when a zoologist by the name of Doctor [DATA-EXPUNGED] Lawson was found drained of all bodily fluids when local police force found her body, with cries from an unknown animal alerting them to its location. P.I.C then send a standard retrieval task force to the park and we're able to retrieve 10 of the 15 instances of Anomaly-002, the other five instances Being put down after they attacked Sergeant Leaves and agent [DATA-EXPUNGED] leaving the sergeant severely injured and the task force agent deceased.

Addendum #002-2: Autopsy of a deceased Anomaly-002 instance.


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