Flying Monstrosity in Falls City

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Item #: Anomaly-003

Object Class: Entity

Procedures for Containment: Anomaly-003 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. The cell is designed to block electrical currents as to prevent any attempts at Anomaly-003 from breaching containment. The cell of Anomaly-003 is to be watched from 7:30 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. as study's shown that it's the standard sleep schedule of Anomaly-003, any alterations to the schedule is to be reported immediately to the current head administrator at the time of the incident. Any object or tool requested by Anomaly-003 must be checked by head researcher, [DATA-EXPUNGED] sham, before transporting it into the cell.

Description: Anomaly-003 is a 9ft humanoid covered with battered brown skin, covered in an unknown grease like substance, and what only can be described as "watery" eyes. Anomaly-003 possesses a jet-pack esk machine giving it the ability to fly. Designated as Anomaly-003-1, the object appears to be made out of aluminum, has a wingspan of 15ft, and has multicolored lights spanning on the underside of the wings. In the front of the object contained a control panel, with multicolored buttons, that allows Anomaly-003 to activate and deactivate it at will. While Anomaly-003 is intelligent enough to learn sign language, it has yet shown any form of verbal communication other than sly hissing when aggressively antagonized.

 While Anomaly-003 is intelligent enough to learn sign language, it has yet shown any form of verbal communication other than sly hissing when aggressively antagonized

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Addendum #003-1: Recovery Log

Anomaly-003 was first sighted in early winter of [DATA-EXPUNGED] within Falls City, situated in Richardson country, Nebraska. A task force was sent to Falls City and immediately did a full town search under the cover-up of an escaped convict. Anomaly-003 was found inside an abandoned barn off the outskirts of the town with a bullet wound in its leg, the shooter is still undiscovered. After a short altercation of resilience, Anomaly-003 Fainted from blood loss and was taken into P.I.C custody. After an intense 4 hour medical treatment, Anomaly was transported to its cell. No interviews has taken place sense the time of its arrival as ordered by Dr. [DATA-EXPUNGED].

Addendum #003-2: Creations

During Anomaly-003's containment, it was given small pieces of electronica devices to study it's Technological knowledge. Anomaly-003 was able to produce the following items.

1: A fully working iPhone like device that operates like an x-ray.

2: A form of water based battery.

3: A vibrating silver orb (Use unknown).

4: A statue of unknown entity.


Any other object, device, or short figuring created by anomaly 003 is to be immediately removed from its cell and to be studied, after which they will be placed in storage for future use. Any object that displays a negative effect is to be dismantled immediately without Anomaly-003's knowledge. It cannot see what can kill human, as to not give it any ideas.


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