The Decayed Man (OC by u/Happy_Lord on Reddit)

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Item #: Anomaly-005

Object Class: Deity

Procedures for Containment: Anomaly-005 is to be contained in Biocontainment Zone 1-A at site [DATA-EXPUNGED], which has been modified to resemble a standard victorian home from the 1900s. Containment staff must wear the specifically designed 005 biohazard suits at all time when entering Anomaly-005's containment cell.

Due to the unique biology of Anomaly-005, the room is to be Drenched with freshwater twice a week and all decaying matter designated to be fed to Anomaly-005 is to be inspected by the Sites current administrator before being entered into Anomaly-005's cell.

Anomaly-005 has shown to be capable of speech despite its lack of vocal cords. Personal items or requested additions to its cell by anomaly-005 must be approved by the Site Director Lamb. To date, Anomaly-005 has requested the following:

1: A history book for the fist 10 years of US history. (request Granted)

2: More Artwork within its cell (request Granted)

3: Access to the rest of the facility. (Anomaly-005 was curious to see what this "strange new world" was about, request Denied by order of Site Director lamb)

4: A religious study manual Information about current religions and cults around the planet. (request Denied, pending review and approval of contents)

5: A vintage photograph with record of  Mozart's music. (request granted)

Description: Anomaly-005 is a humanoid entity, composed of a bleeding, red fungus material and usually measures at an estimated around 9 ft tall, but has been shown to change size if provoked through Confrontation. Anomaly-005 wears a modern day suit attire despite its Victorian accent and limited knowledge on the modern world. The suit is colored a shining silver gray, with a white collar, and a black tie with tiny unknown white symbols aligning the front of it.

 The suit is colored a shining silver gray, with a white collar, and a black tie with tiny unknown white symbols aligning the front of it

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(Portrait of Anomaly-005 by Staff)

Addendum #005-1: Recovery Log

Anomaly-005 was found under the floorboards of the home of former first president George Washington at Mount Vermont, yet no confirm connection between the two has been found so far. After a report of a supposed "moving fungus with a business suit" was reported to the local authorities, P.I.C send a standard retrieval unit under the cover-up of a toxic waste disposal team. After discovering that Anomaly-005 was capable of speech, it was able to be talked into coming into P.I.C custody willingly, and was transported to Site [DATA-EXPUNGED] almost immediately.

Addendum #005-2: DNA Testing.

After studying massive amounts of the fungi material Anomaly-005 is made up of and the oozing red liquid that leaks out of said material, DNA extractions prove that Anomaly-005 seems to be a Male by the name of General [DATA-EXPUNGED] Rufush, a missing soldier from as early as the first Civil War. While the fungi has been shown to share similar DNA with the fungi know as "Basket Stinkhorn", there are also traces of Hydnellum peckii and Fomitopsis Pinicola, and theories that this may be a weird hybrid between the three was created but unknown it was man-made or an scientist Dr. Lime would describe it... "evolution decided to be a dick again!"

Addendum #005-3: Interview.

The following interview is between Anomaly-005 and Dr. Lumber.

Lumber #: Hello, Mr. Rufush?

No response.

Lumber #: Mr. Rufush, are you there?

Anomaly-005 #: Rufush is the flow now...

Lumber #: apologies, could you repeat that?

Anomaly-005 #: General Rufush is in the flow. The red river of life's soul. The death before death. The time that never counted...He and the flow are one...

Lumber what you're trying to say, that the "Flow", is form of afterlife?

Anomaly-005 #: Death is the mortal void. The emptiness of creation, The flow is what will fill it good sir!

Lumber #: so a replacement soul?

Anomaly-005 #: Souls are just one component of the remnants that make up the flow and its currents...

Lumber #: mind telling me the rest?

Anomaly-005 #: Knowledge, voice, and the void of the empty to fill. The screams of relief it feeds and the sighs of death, it shall bring salvation.

Lumber #: Ok so... I think I'm getting it...This flow is what you describe as heaven?

Anomaly-005 #: Heaven is the step before ascension. Ascension can only be achieved through lessons in the flow, deep breaths within the red...Breath Doctor [DATA-EXPUNGED], let it course through your veins and-

Lumber interrupts Anomaly-005

Lumber #: OK, how the actual [DATA-EXPUNGED] do these deities keep finding out my [DATA-EXPUNGED] name! It is seriously [DATA-EXPUNGED] me the fu-

The audio was cut before Dr. Lumber stormed out of the room and immediately went to HR. All personnel were informed that Dr. lumber was not to be spoken to for the next week under suspicion of a "understandable" anger management problem.


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