Chapter 2: Talking with Angela

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Joel went home with a smile.

"So my son you find anyone"

Joel was scared he did not want his father to know that he met a poor girl so he said no.

"Do not worry you have one month to do so and do not go with that shirt and put it in the bin now"

"Honey leave him alone"

One week later Joel's phone rang it was Angela.

"Hello Joel it Angela I calling to let you I got the job"

"Ho that's nice Angela would like to celebrate next Saturday do not worry I will pay for everything"

"Ho that's Will be nice but we can split the money anyway I would love to go with you but where will we go"

"Hm at the ice cream shop do you like ice cream"

"I do love ice cream so what time"

"At 7pm"

"Ok I be they thank see you on Saturday I have to go now.

"Ok bye"

Who that you talking to Joel his father ask.

Joel mumble it my best friend it boy.

"Ok I think it was a girl but ok did you find anyone yet"

"No but I will"

Joel know his father will know one day so he ask father does my wife have to be a billionaire.

"Joel did not I tell you yes she does have to be a billionaire I do not want a poor girl in this Family it will be like everyone will be poor remember one little thing distorted everything"

"But I will help her to be a billionaire"

"No do not do anything do you have a poor girl"

"No no no I do not"

"Ok better be you know if the month end and you don't find someone I will get Mr Simon daughter to be your girlfriend she a billionaire and her parents"

"No father I do not love her she's mean to everyone we went to the same high school and she had a bad attitude also she was such a big bully"

"Well I do not care you marry her still because times change"

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