Chapter 12: The Marriage Proposal

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So one month later Joel went to see his parents again by himself saying father and mother I will be proposing to Angela tomorrow afternoon it that ok.

Joel father says "ho it's ok that nice are you going to ask her parents first"

"Yes I will"

"Ok my son"

His mom said"that nice"

So Joel went to see Angela parents to ask them about it

"Hello Ms Rebecca how you I here to ask you if it ok to marry Angela I will be proposing to Angela tomorrow afternoon at a Fancy restaurant you and your husband is invited"

"It ok I be there"


It was the next day Joel designed his table at the restaurant and his and her parents were sitted and Angela walk in.

"Hello Angela" Joel said as went on his knees as Angela watch in a bright smile as she cry in tears of joy.

"Angela we know each other for years now and it time for us to be together now and you The only one I want to be with so will you marry me"

"Ho my gosh of course I marry you Joel"

As his and her parents capped in joy as Joel and Angela kissed.

They take a sit and eat and talk together as a family.

Joel father said"I can't believe my son is getting married"

"Me too" said him mother"we have to plan a wedding and pick out suits and dresses it will be fun"

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