Chapter 8: leaving For Bangalore

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The next day Joel left he needed to find Angela before the week ended.

He go from village to village looking for Angela asking people did you see this girl over and over again with an pic of Angela.

The week had ended and Joel did not find Angela as yet.

He meet a man and ask did you see this girl.The man reply "yes she left this morning with her parents"

"Where did they go"

"Why would you be looking for Angela"

"She my girlfriend"

"Ho well I am her uncle they left for a city called Bangalore for a while that city is very big really big and I do not know exactly where is Angela good luck finding her"


"Wait if you are her boyfriend you should have her number right"

"Do but she blocked me"


"She thinks I hate her"

"What so why go so far for her"

"Because I love and I need her"

"Ok than good luck again"

Joel was sad but he was not going to give up He kept going even if he thinks the search is end less he spent the week looking for Angela in all the village and now he going to look around a big city.

He called his mom and told her"mom I will be leaving the village for a city called Bangalore it is very big but Angela is going there so I go to find her there i will see how fast i can get a plane ticket to go there"

"Ok dare but your father as so many private jets you can borrow one"

"No my father will not like that I just get a plane"


It took a week to get a plane ticket so now Joel is leaving for Bangalore.

He bored the plane an reach Bangalore safely an get a hotel to stay for the time and he begins his search for Angela.

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