Chapter 9:The Search

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Every day Joel looks for Angela asking people stopping places moving from one place to another.

Joel keep calling Angela phone thinking she unblocked him but she did not.

Joel spent 6 months in Bangalore looking for Angela and still no sign of Angela.

Joel sometimes feels like giving up but he remembers the fun times he had with Angela and he keeps going.

Joel knows Bangalore is a big very big city and it will take years to fiind Angela.

Until one day Joel ask a woman who was passing by"excuse me did you see this girl"

"The woman reply "of course is that Angela"

"Yes it is you know where she is"

"Why would you be looking for Angela"

"She's my girlfriend"

"Ok well I'm mistress Rebecca and that's my daughter and are you Joel"

"Yes I am do you know where is Angela"

"Not now but she be home soon she said she was going out with a boy"

"What do she live with you"


"Look please let me wait at your house for her I been looking for Angela for about 7 months now"

"Ok sure follow me"

So Joel followed Angela's mom to her house and the two of them chatted for a while.

"Ok so Joel Angela been mad lately about you and your father what wrong"

"Hm my father wants me to have a billionaire wife name Mia but I love Angela but my father did not he lie to Angela about me and sent her away"

"Ho ok but how you us"

"Well her grandpa help me a little"

"Ho you know Angela have a other boyfriend right but I do not really trust him he who Angela with right now"

"Ho my gosh really"

"Yes it true but Angela doesn't really like him that much Angela use to tell me a lot about you I think she chose you over her own other boyfriend"


The Billionaire Family/An AG-stories Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora