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The Royal Palace of the King of Qua'ala, an oil-rich Sate on the southern fringe of the Arabian Desert, stood majestically in the center of the city. Nothing in the air gave the slightest indication of what was to befall such a magnificent edifice by nightfall.

The people of Qua’ala, predominantly Muslims with a handful of Jews and Christians, lived a simple life, in spite of their tremendous wealth. Qua'ala was ranked the third biggest producer of oil in the world.

As the people turned in for the night they were awakened by a loud noise, and later heard gunshots and then explosives as the night sky glowed in a bright red and orange inferno.

A small group of armed militia arrived in three truckloads branded with their slogan, while a few rode on horseback, carrying placards and waving flags and yelling into the night.


“Away with the infidel!”

They shot sporadically into the air, and then proceeded to attack the palace, shooting everyone in sight, including the King, and finally threw grenades into the building that blew the roof and shattered its walls.

The militia hung around long enough to make sure that there was not a living soul alive, then they dispersed the way they had come.

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