Chapter Thirteen

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“Do you live here alone?” Julia asked as Mahmood offered her a glass of wine after Lucas had gone.

Mahmood poured himself a drink, pulled a chair close to Julia and sat down.

“I live alone for many years now,” he said with a sad note in his voice.

“Why? Is it that you like to live alone?”

Mahmood sipped his drink, took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair.

“It's a long story, my dear beautiful woman. I lost my family a long time ago when I moved here. The American government give me security at first. But, it costs a lot of money to keep security, no? After one year I live alone. I get used to it now.”

“You don't have any friends?”

“My friend Lu come sometimes.” “Lu brings women to keep you company?” Mahmood glanced at Julia.

“Young woman, you ask too many questions, no?” Julia flashed a disarming smile.

“I'm curious, that's all.”

“You look different from all the other women I meet. You do not look like Americano. Where are you from?”

“I am British. I recruit hostesses for the Qatar


Mahmood looked interested.

“That is why you ask so many questions, no? Tell me, how do you meet with my friend Lu?”

“I was on the beach the other day and then he started following me around. He said that he wanted to take my picture to show his friend. I agreed. And here am I.”

Mahmood chuckled.

“This Lu has crazy way with women, no?”

“I wouldn't know that.”

“Do you like a little crazy sex?”

Julia caught Mahmood's sideways glance and smiled, shaking her head.

“No. I fuck straight. Is that how you want it, crazy and rough?”

Mahmood sipped his drink.

“I like it any way.”

Julia raised her empty glass.

“Another drink, please.”

Mahmood got hastily to his feet and carried the whole bottle of red wine back to the table.

“Please help yourself.”

Julia poured some wine into her glass.

Her hand was rock steady.

She was having fun.

After so many years! Here at last, her long journey had come to an end. She felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

But first, she needed more information.

“Your family, what happened to them?” she asked.

“I lost all my family,” Mahmood said. “I come from the city of Qua'ala, far in the Middle East, no? There is war between families and I lose everything. America offer me home, no? So, I travel here and settle down. I cannot marry Americano. So, I live alone.”

Julia again took a sip of her wine, carefully concealing the sudden rush of adrenaline in her system. Could this be Mansur, her late father's junior brother, who had murdered her parents in cold blood, and who had changed his name to Mahmood?

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