PART I: The Hunt

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Among the stream of exotic and expensive cars that passed through the massive ornate gate every now and then was a navy blue sports job.

The two alert, smartly dressed security personnel stood rigid in the middle of the double gates, directly in the pool of bright lights shooting out of the frog-eye shaped headlamps of the approaching sports car.

The driver, a handsome looking gentleman in a fitted black suit, wound down the glass and regarded the hard-eyed security man who had stepped out of the small cubicle, bent down and gave him a hard, quizzical look.

"The Club closed for tonight?" the man in the sports car asked.

Unsmiling, the security man placed his hand gingerly on his gun butt dangling at his side.

"Your IV please?"

The man in a black suit reached inside his jacket and flipped a small, rectangular card at the security man, who studied the card briefly and then returned the card with a cut nod of his head. He turned and signaled the two security men to open the gate as he walked back to his cubicle.

The sports job slid through the opened gates and drove around the curved drive-in, onto the spacious parking space already lined with cars and pulled up beside a Hummer. The black-suited man stepped out of the sports car and paused to adjust the knot of his tie and straighten his fitted black jacket, while his eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in every detail.

He noticed the two security men on either side of the front entrance, but of course that was obvious, especially in a setup like this one, oozing with money, fun and whatever. His sharp eyes ran over the cars lining the parking lot. Money-loaded, swanky jerks, he thought offhandedly.

His hand slipped into the pocket of his suit and brought out the small, thick, rectangular card and flipped it around his hose. The magic charm, he mused, which had cost him a good fortune to acquire through dubious craftsmanship, without which he would have found it tougher getting across the first barrier, in a chain of barriers that made entrance into the club called The Don almost impossible.

"Welcome to the party," he murmured to himself and strode towards the double sliding doors, which opened automatically as he approached. The two security men on either side of the doorway shuffled to attention and bowed a smiling welcome, sir, thank you.

The black suited man walked into the hall past half a dozen men, all well dressed and just hanging around with a couple of girls in very brief dresses, holding glasses, smoking cigarettes, and amusing themselves. Loud hip-hop music flowed from upstairs.

The man in a black suit made his way across the hall and headed for the stairs with no one paying him any undue attention, not more than mere passing glances.

Upstairs was where the dance party actually took place. Music blasted through massive, 3D surround, stereo woofers while a couple of half nude girls performed on circular platforms under flashing, colorful lights.

A door at the back of the hall caught the newcomer's eye. He walked by the crowded tables and headed for the door at the back of the hall.

That was when the action began.

Two tough-looking, muscular guys, who were positioned at the door, blocked the way. One of the muscular guys placed his hand on the black suited man's shoulder.

"The Gents' over there, sir?"

"I know the "Gents'," the newcomer in a black suit said. "I want a word with your boss, and please take your hand off my jacket."

"The boss don't see nobody," the muscular guy said. They were the last most audible words he would say in another month after several months at the hospital.

The newcomer in a black suit had swung a punch into the muscular guy's right bicep, knocking the muscular guy's hand off his shoulder, and then smashed a half-closed Karate chop directly under the muscular guy's left jaw, breaking it into two.

The second muscular guy rushed at the man in a black suit with a lazy but well-parked punch that would have flattened the black suited man if it had landed. The black suited man saw the blow coming all the way and took the arm offering with grace and a thank-you-flip over his shoulder in one fluid motion. The bouncer continued with the momentum of his punch, head over heels and landed on the titled floor with a resounding humph that shook the entire floor.

Not waiting to see the reaction in the dance hall, the black suited guy pushed open the door and ran up the steps quickly. He was so fast that the first man who came out to investigate, was totally unprepared for the rushing figure, had his gun knocked out of his hand, a deadly Karate chop delivered to the base of his neck, all in one swift movement, and was sent rolling down the stairs to lie in a groaning heap on the first landing, just as another gun-toting guy stepped out the door.

He did not have a chance to fire his gun either.

The black suited man kicked the gun out of the other guy's hands, smashed his right knee into the guy's solar plexus and immediately flattened the guy's nose with a quick, snap of his wrist with half-closed fist that drove his strong knuckles, snapping the guy's head backward against the wall.

And then a third guy stepped out the door. But this one had quick reflexes. He managed to duck the first blow from the black suited guy and even landed one on the suited man's shoulder. For his effort, received a stunning, tight-tightfisted blow to the side of his face. Without warning, the man in a black suit took both ankles of the third guy and heaved the guy over the banister rail, head tossing dangerously down the stairwell and the floor below.

"I'm going to ask you only one question," the black suited man said, "and I want an honest answer. Where can I find the Don?"

Upside down, the guy attempted to nod his head, but realized the futility of his action and instead waved his hands frantically.

"Inside," he croaked. "Please, don't."

"Okay, I won't let you drop if you agree to take me to him." the black suited man offered.

"I will, I will..." the upside down guy pleaded.

With tremendous strength, but with the ease of a weight lifter, the black suited man brought the other guy back on his feet. Air gushed from the other guy's open mouth, his hand on the side of his face and holding onto the railing with one hand, half dazed.

"Take me to the Don," the black suited man said.

"Christ! Who the hell are you?"

"It's not important who I am," the black suited man said. "Just take me to see the Don."

The beaten guy tried to straighten up, staring with shock at the black suited man who looked completely unruffled and very much at ease with himself.

"No - one sees the Don, unless he says so."

The suited guy glanced over the rail as a reminder.

"Alright, alright," the guy said, messaging his neck, "Christ, the Don's going to kill me for this."

The guy straightened up, pushed the door open and walked inside.

The black suited man followed.

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