Chapter Sixteen

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Danny glanced around when they were all seated in the main cabin of the Bridal Yacht.

“Real cozy,” he said. “Good place to throw a swanky, cruising party and just keep on the move, ain't that dandy? I suppose you do keep drinks on board, Lucas?”

Jack opened the cooler on the side and pulled out a bottle of champagne and glasses. He filled the glasses and handed them around.

Tony took a sip from his glass, leaned over and tipped the rest on Gabriel's wounded leg. Gabriel jerked away his leg, groaning.

“What on earth was that for?” he asked, glaring at Tony who simply smiled and handed the glass back to Jack.

“Refill please,” he said. Then to Gabriel, “That would help with disinfection.”

“Christ, what are you?” Gabriel said heatedly. “First he shoots me, now he is my nurse.”

Jack took his refilled glass from Jack and looked at Lucas.

“Give me your phone.” Lucas looked blankly at Tony.

“You heard me,” Tony said and his gun appeared in his hand as if by magic. “I hate repeating myself.” He jerked his head in Gabriel's direction. “That's what happens when you grow wax in your ears, especially when I ask a question. Now!”

Lucas flinched. He silently handed over his phone.

Tony swiped the screen saver and there she was, posing with hands akimbo, on a busy street. Lucas had again been admiring Princess' picture.

Tony couldn't believe his luck. Without change of expression,  he glanced at Lucas.

“Who gave you the information that I was at


Lucas looked downcast, his head lowered.

“I - I'm not supposed to say.”

Tony's gun went off, the bullet grazing a little piece off Lucas' left ear and smashing through the glass at his back.

Lucas leaped up.

“Goddammit! Are you crazy or something?” Tony cocked the gun again.


“Alright, okay, okay! Right?” Lucas yelled at the top of his voice. “I'll tell you what you want, please don't fire that thing again.”

Tony looked pointedly at Lucas.

“Alright,” Lucas said. “His name is McAllister, dammit!”

Danny kept his face straight, without expression.

He merely asked, “What did McAllister tell you?”

Lucas glanced miserably at Danny.

“Look, this guy calls me and tells me that there could be trouble brewing and he wanted to warn me.” “That all?” Danny asked.

Lucas plunged on.

“He said there was some guy over at Danny's asking questions about a big guy in town. He says this this new big guy in town was bigger than Danny, Gab and me all put together. And that Danny was running real scared. That this guy at Danny's was real tough guy.

He said I should talk to Danny.”

“Instead, you chose to go to Gabriel,” Danny said, looking hurt.

Lucas looked down at his hands.

“Well, Mac said I shouldn't mention his name, and there was no way I could come to you without telling

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