Chapter Six

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Tony swung Franco's a 19mm Parabellum Beretta Nano that was gripped tightly in his left hand toward the double door as it opened.

“Tony, I heard that. He told me already,” Danny 'The Don' Cappuccino said as he stepped through the door.

Jack, his .45 Taurus M series loosely in front of him, was close behind Danny as they entered the room, his eyes quickly nothing everyone in the room. He stared admiringly at Tony.

“Christ! Tony, looks like someone's been very busy with a gun in here,” Jack said.

Tony lowered Franco's gun.

“Jeeze, Danny,” Tony said, “next time give me a notice before you walk into a room where I'm itching to pull the trigger.”

“I believe you, Tony, sorry about that, but I can see that you've pulled your itchy trigger several times here already,” Danny said, coming to stand beside Tony. “This bastard sonofabitch called me a while ago, can you beat that? Said he heard I was hosting a big guest in town and wanted to be a part of the deal. I wouldn't cut him a piece of my shit, so he sends some punk to throw a scar into me, sort of make me come clean across with goodies. Well, Gabriel you succeeded. Almost. God, you scared me shirtless. Hahahahaha!” Danny laughed at the joke of it.

He took a few steps and stood over Gabriel, making sure that he was not in Tony's line of fire. He  raised his foot and rubbed the heel of his rubber soled shoe on Gabriel's bleeding leg.

“And when I'm scared, I get really mad.”

“Ouch!” Gabriel let out a low howl. “Don't do that, you mean bastard! I told you I didn't meant to hurt anyone. Only wanted a piece of the action!” Gabriel couldn't meet Danny's boring snake's eyes.

“So now you are having not just a piece of the action,” Tony said, “but the whole action. Hey, Jack could you help these two men upstairs? Watch out for the old man I put to sleep earlier. If either of them gives you any trouble, don't hesitate to put a bullet through their heads.”

“With all pleasure,” Jack said and cocked his gun at the two wounded men. “Get up.”

With a little difficulty, Franco leaned on Clover's shoulder and began to limp toward the door. Clover held the bloody stomps of his right hand in his shirt tail, his face contorted with pain.

Tony got to his feet and stood to one side of Gabriel, who didn't see the blow coming. Tony had swung his hand so fast that it was almost as if he hadn't moved. Gabriel only felt the cold metal of Tony's gun barrel wipe across the side of his face tossing his head violently sideways.

Tony took a step backward and cocked his gun.

“Who gave you the lead on me?” Tony asked. Then added, “Think carefully and remember, I don't ask twice.”

Gabriel rubbed the side of his face where a bump was rapidly swelling up and spreading up to his thick lips. He nodded his head slowly, bent forward. The pain was excruciating.

He murmured something.

Danny glanced at Tony.

“Gabriel here suddenly lost his voice it seems. Did you hear what he said?” he asked.

“Speak up, man,” Tony said.

“I already told you...” Gabriel began, then raised his voice quickly as Tony's gun jerked up. “Wait! For heaven's sake gimme a break, man. I'll tell you.” Tony and Danny waited patiently.

“Lucas, goddammit!” Gabriel said angrily.

Both Danny and Tony exchanged looks.

“And how on earth did Lucas come about that piece of info?” Tony asked.

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