Chapter Twelve

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Lucas had barely docked when his cell phone rang. He thumbed the 'answer' button.


“Martins here,” a heavy male voice said. “About the broad last night. How early can she be available again tonight?”

“Hey, Martins,” Lucas said, checking his gold wristwatch. “You mean Lilian? Well, let's say about an hour? I'll get in touch with her and let you know. Don't forget my fees, Martins.”

“I won't forget your fees, you cocksucker.” Lucas gritted his teeth as he hung up.

“Motherfucker,” he muttered under his breath.

The cell phone rang almost immediately. Thinking it was the same client he had spoken to, Lucas said, “No negotiation on this one, man. I told you my conditions...”

“Which conditions, Lu?” Another voice droned into his ear. “Do you know whom you are talking to?”

Lucas jerked his head away like he'd receive a bite on his earlobe. It was McAllister.

“Shit!” Lucas muttered, then said, “Sorry, Mac. I've just been speaking with a rather difficult client of mine.

What do you have for me?”

“Listen carefully, this could spell trouble and I hate trouble.”

Lucas stiffened to attention.

“I'm listening.”

“Some guy just breezed into town, talking tough about some other big guy who happens to be bigger than you, Gabriel and Danny put together.” Lucas stopped breathing.

“So, what's he want, and how's that got to do with me, anyways?”

“Precisely,” the voice on the phone continued, “this guy wants Danny to take him to the new big guy in town. I've been over my head trying to locate this new big guy in town. Do you by any chance know of any such big guy?”

Lucas looked dumbfounded.

“Listen, Mac, I don't know what you are talking about. In any case, assuming there is such a Mr. Big in town, how's that got to do with me?”

There was a significant pause from the other end.

“I've been speaking with Danny,” the voice went on, “he put a scare into Danny and Dan doesn't scare easy. It got me wondering.”

“Well it looks like it's Danny's can of worms, isn't it? Why are you bothering me with this, Mac?”

“Danny says, that this guy beat his security apparatchiks, you know, and met him right inside his inner chamber. That's pretty strong, don't you think? Danny said this guy could have taken him out, if the guy wanted.”

“But the guy didn't?”

“You get the picture.”

“Are you kidding me?” Lucas said.

“That is not all. This guy dropped your name.”


“He also mentioned Gabriel...” Lucas thought for a few seconds.

“What's all this mean, Mac? Who is this new big guy in town, and why is this other guy after him?”

“Search me.”

“Who the hell is this guy anyway?” Lucas asked, his face going red.

“Look, why don't you have a talk with Danny over this matter? But keep my name out of it, right?”

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